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"Love me." He begged after forcing her to kiss him. "Just tell me you love me."

He kept pushing her head to the side every time she tried to turn away, forcing her to look at him. He wanted- no NEEDS for her to remain in eye contact. He wanted her to see the nervousness and the anticipation in his eyes.

Her brown eyes widened in disbelief and she raised her head in astonishment. Did he really believe that she could ever love him?

After all the things he put her through. After everything he forced her into.


After forcing her to gather her things and to leave her home; leaving behind her mother and her older brothers.


After forcing her to portray the happy doting fiance, compelling her to express her devotion and love to him whenever they were in the public eye.


And forcing her to submit to him. With no mercy whatsoever.

She lightly shook her head, fear and nervousness radiating off of her body. Scared of what he was going to do next her eyes darted to the floor, hyperfocusing on his pristine dress shoes.

She felt his hands tighten around her neck, causing her to gasp in protest.

Her back arched in pain as he abruptly shoved her into the brick wall behind her, leaving a sharp pain on her lower back.

"After all this time! After caring for you and putting up with your constant wailing, this is the thanks I get!" He shouted at her, making her slide down the rough wall in fear.

"I have done nothing but treat you with respect and gratitude. And when I finally tell you my feelings you have the audacity to shut me down. Who the hell do you think you are?"

His question was followed by silence, the shaking that was coming from her form was his answer. All she could do was bow her head in fear, praying that he wouldn't hurt her again.

She flinched back when she saw him knock down the vases that were set up against the wall's tabletops, wincing when she heard the resounding crash of the glass.

Her eyes watered slightly as she followed the glass, before allowing them to fall freely. Her eyes were fixated on the vases that were shattered on the floor.

The only thing that she could comprehend was that she was like that vase.



hey! it's niya. i'm currently editing this story so bear with me. thank you for all your support for this book, and if you're still here from 2018, i LOVE you.  (oct. 12, 2021.)

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