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READ AUTHORS NOTE. (Updates and Questions)
Bold = Jace Text. Italics = Thalia and/or Trivonna.

"So whose the girl?" Noah asked as soon as we stepped outside. We had just come from a meeting with Ace Anders.

Or in other words my dad.

He wanted to have a meeting for some odd reason.

I remembered bits and pieces of it but in all honesty I couldn't pay attention to what he was saying. My mind was on my- .

"Are you going to answer or....?"

I looked at him dumbfounded, trying to play it off . Lord knows that if he found out about Thalia he would never shut up about her. And that thought alone made me keep quiet about her.

"Don't even try to act dumb. I seen you in there. Checking your phone constantly. So who is she?" Noah replied smirking smugly.

I groaned loudly throwing my head back. He definitely knew now. I could tell by his loud laughing.

I turned to look at him ready to reply but he beat me to it.

"Sooooo what's her name?"


"Nice name."

"I know."

Noah let out a grunt of annoyance knowing I wasn't going to elaborate, before going completely silent.

I took this time to check my phone again. I had a few notifications, however I had yet to receive one from Thalia.

I had texted her over an hour ago and normally I wouldnt be so pressed on a response but the little r beside my message just pushed me over edge.

If she's trying to play hard to get she has wrong guy. Because I certainly wasn't going to entertain that thought.

I thought about shooting her another text but I ended up dismissing that thought quickly. I wasn't going to beg for her attention.

If she wanted another date she'd text back. If not.....

She'd better text back. Soon.
"Trivonna friggin' Stadford give me back my phone!" Thalia screeched tiredly , never slowing her constant banging on her bedroom door where Trivonna was hiding.

"Never!" Trivonna giggled. Her hands fumbling together trying to figure out Thalia's dumb phone password.

She gave up when her phone locked for the fifth time. She huffed, rolling her eyes. Thalia was always so complicated. Trivonna flopped down on Thalia's bed, tiredly , landing with a soft squeak.

She was loosing her mind. All she wanted to do was to text this "Jace" and give him a piece of her mind. Ever since Thalia told her about the ruined date, she's been doing nothing but tossing and turning in bed at night thinking about how she allowed this man (or in Trivonnas words 'a little boy') to hurt her best friends feelings. So , no. She wasn't going to let Thalia get her phone back until she said what she had to say.

She searched for Thalia's remote, quickly turning it on and turning up the volume drowning Thalia's banging out . She needed some relaxation after her multiple failed attempts of trying to get into her phone.

So, she went to Thalia's DVR and looked for the newest episode of 'Greenleaf'. Clicking the episode she settled into Thalia's sheets snuggling into her pillows.

She hummed contently , getting comfortable. But before Trivonna could completely divulge in her de stressing, Thalia's phone went off. Furrowing her eyebrows, she clicked her tongue dismissing the text. It was probably her mother, or Brittany.

But then another text came in , making Trivonna raise her eyebrow. She reached out, grabbed her phone and clicked her home screen. A picture of her niece and her nephew popped up, but that wasn't what made Trivonna smile smugly, it was the two notifications that Thalia had received , from Jace.

From " Jace A.🔪❣" 2:12 pm.
Do you really wanna play this game?🙃
From " Jace A. 🔪❣" 2:15 pm.
You need to text me back 🤔.
Trivonna snorted in reply. Oh she'd text him back alright.

Jace tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he waited anxiously for Thalia to respond. The alert he got from his phone made him jump as he scrambled to put in his code.

He hurridly clicked on on his message icon and clicked Thalia's name. He was expecting a "I'd love to go on a date with you" but what he got was quite the opposite.

722 words🌬. (904 words when you count this note)
I sorta kinda left it as a cliff hanger ?? Idk. Trivonna's gonna get in his butt thoughhhh😭😭.
But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter it's been long over due!
I'm gonna start updating every month, once a month. I've been going through a rough patch of writers block?? Idk.
But I really wanna get to know you guys. So do me a favor. Answer these questions below 👇🏾👇🏾.

Whats your name ?
How old are you ?
Where are you from?
Whose your favorite character so far?
Which character are you mostly like ?
What do you think I should add to make the story more interesting?
Should I add more characters? If so what should there name be? What are the characters personalities going to be like?

Anddd. Don't be afraid to ask me stuff! I'm a really nice person, so talk to me , ask me questions and vent. I would love to hear from MY LITTLE BABY LEMONS 💜:).

Soo could this chapter have maybe like 800 reads , 50 votes and 10 comments ? 😜💖
Ps. If the emojis don't show up let me know!

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