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**check note at the bottom for information on the updates and future of this book.
^^these are people that'll be in future chapters. i think you'll like to see their faces besides imagining them. yeah? 💕

It had been two weeks since the Trivonna incident and Thalia has yet to thank her. Thanks to Trivonna's little "slip up" with Jace, Thalia and him had been texting non stop. It was almost funny how easy the conversations were to slip in with him considering the fact that the sole reason they were talking was because her best friend dragged him for filth.

Smiling softly at her phone, Thalia's fingers skimmed across the keyboard pausing momentarily to brush her box braids that had managed to get out her messy bun away from her face as she typed. Jace had wanted to go on another date- to redeem himself for the disastrous one before that. But Thalia was NOT going to let Jace off the hook so easily...he was going to have to beg for it.

Pressing send Thalia watched as the 'Delivered' notification turned into 'Read at 11:13am'. Seeing the grey bubble pop up she hurriedly clicked her home screen. Just because Jace couldn't hold his eagerness to continue the conversation doesn't mean Thalia had to keep the same energy.

Placing her phone on the dresser beside her, she got up and stretched. Wincing slightly when she heard her back crack in response. Tip toeing in her bathroom, as to not wake up her step sister Sonya she slowly shut the bathroom door. Putting on her shower cap she hurriedly took off her boxers pulling her panties along with them to. Unclasping her bra she let out a sigh of relief. The straps had been pulled way to tight and had been applying unnecessary pressure to her shoulders throughout the night.

Rolling her shoulders, Thalia let out a groaning relief finally getting some of the tenseness that was out of them out.

Walking over to the shower she turned the water on to the hottest setting.

If the water didn't burn her skin, then it simply wasn't hot enough .

Stepping in the shower, Thalia closed the curtain behind her immediately being engulfed in the steam. Letting out small sighs here and there from the pleasure she got from the water, she allowed herself to finally relax. To clear her head , and to let the stress ebb away.

Stepping out the shower, Thalia breathes in a deep sigh of relief.

Maybe today she could forget about the three essays that are due on Monday. And maybe today she could take the day off from her Mother's restaurant. She desperately needed a break .

Grabbing her towel from the banister she nearly skipped into her room in pure happiness . One, she was going to relax today , and no one would tell her differently. And two, well there was a certain someone who was awaiting a response.

Walking into the room softly as to not wake Sonya up, she stopped abruptly once she seen that her phone was no longer resting on her dresser, but it was tightly wound in Sonya's hand.

"You know, some people aren't to fond of their phones being snooped through." Thalia said teasingly.

Sonya merely shook her head , her afro moving with her with a sleepy smile gracing her face.

"Well excuse me , I was just trying to figure out who was blowing up your phone. So tell me, T. Whose your lover boy ?" Sonya replied teasingly.

Thalia merely ignored her, fighting the blush from her face. Grabbing the Nivea she squirts some in her hand, wanting nothing more than to get dressed and snatched her phone back.

"Mhmmm. Who knew you could get a man Thalia. A man who blows up your phone with say, seven messages because you decided a shower was more important than texting back ." Sonya snickers back jokingly.

Wiping her hands on the towel as to get off any left over lotion, she snatched the phone out of a smug looking Sonya to see if Jace had really sent seven messages.

Her eyebrows rose in surprise , but she quickly dropped them . She really had this man hooked.

Smiling smugly as she types out her response she can't help but feel a little confident.

Sure. But only on my turf😉.

Jace bit his lip in attempt to keep his excitement in despite being alone. Thalia has just agreed to go on (another) date with him.

Licking his lips, he unlocked his phone again to read the message over and over . Only putting the phone down once he was sure he didn't imagine it .

Although positivity was the only thing that was running through his head, some doubt was planted in there as well.

What did she mean by my turf ? Did she not like our first date? Was it to awkward ? Or maybe she was just irritable that day ?

But before Jace could finish questioning himself and their disastrous first date , his ringtone cut through his thoughts silencing them for now .

Looking at the contact he hurriedly answered it seeing as it was his...employee .


"Sir, we have Jewel...." Louis, who was second in command hesitated.

"And? Spit it out . I don't have all day Louis." Jace grumbled out considering the fact that he had interrupted Thalia time, despite her not even being there.

"She's not cooperating on the way that's you hoped, sir. If it's not trouble could we consider using a more painful method?" Louis asked hopefully.

And before his hope could grow bigger , he heard a chuckle.

Jace was chuckling. Actually chuckling. Like it was the funniest joke in the world.

"Louis, Louis , Louis. That was funny. But if you don't mind me asking. Who do you think you're questioning here? Because I know it wasn't me, your Boss. The man you owe your very life to . As a matter of fact , I'll deal with her ...and you. See you soon." Jace seethed as he hung up the phone and threw it in the back seat. Taking some of his anger out on it.

Shaking his head in pure disbelief , he pulled out his driveway making his way to the warehouse that his father owned.

To take care of not only one person- but two.

1024 words.
hellooooo baby anders! ❤ i had planned to update earlier but it didn't save 🤷🏾‍♀. but this one is longer. I've also decided that this book is off hiatus. I now have inspiration to finish it. And because I take AP Classes, every time I do an essay, I'll write a small portion of the chapter. My goal is to make each chapter 900+ words . hopefully this will hold you guys over.
the next chapter shall address the distaste that certain people have on interracial relationships. + every ten chapters there shall be a new section to the book. I'll be editing the chapter names. by chapter 15 the book will start to really pick up. and by 20...you'll see.

Have a good night lovelies ! And don't forget to vote and comment ! I'm off to finish Rageans Innocence 😉. Xx

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snapchat: ayeprincessniya💕
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