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"He did what?!" Trivonna exclaimed alerting a few people around them.
Thalia quickly shushed her looking around the diner for anyone staring.

"I said he left the date early." Thalia mumbled bowing her head in embarrassment, waiting for Trivonna to burst out laughing.

"Oh Hell No! Where that hoe live!?" Trivonna exclaimed loudly. She definitely gained everyone's attention after that.

Thalia quickly bowed her head in embarrassment. She covered her face with her head groaning softly.

She knew not to tell Trivonna about this. That girl might be petite but could take anyone who messed with her friends. And trust me, she made sure she took care if them.

"Eh-Hem! Thalia! Tell me where this hoe live!" Trivonna shouted. Banging her hands in the table dramatically.

Trivonna clearly wasn't paying attention to her surroundings but Thalia was, she could see the Manger coming over to there table quickly.

Thalia rolled her eyes. If Trivonna managed to get them kicked our this diner she was go in going to have a fit.

The manager looked at Trivonna unimpressed.

"Excuse me.....ma'am. We are going to have to ask you to keep your volume down. You're disrupting the guest. And you are making them uncomfortable."

Trivonna snapped her head up quickly making the manager backed up a little.

If he wasn't intimidated before, he was now.

"Now you listen here. I was trying to have a conversation with my friend, until you're rude a** came over here thinking you was stopping something. Next times you make your way over here you better make sure it's to bring our food. Got it? Good."

The manager looked taken aback and quickly made his way back to the kitchen no doubt checking their food.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Thalia asked. She couldn't believe Trivonna had embarrassed her. Again.

"And I know you ain't over there thinking that I was gon' let that roach come over here and talk to me like that! You've have got me all the way-"

"I swear to the Lord if you curse we gon' become unbenifit*!" Thalia interrupted.

Trivonna huffed and crossed her arms obviously not wanting to continue this conversation.

Thalia rolled her eyes in reply.

How did she ever get stuck with Trivonna?

The manager made his way back to the girls table bringing along their food . After his last encounter with Trivonna he made sure he brought their food over.

Gently setting the ladies food down he quickly made his way back into the kitchen.

The girls wasted no time digging into their food.


432 Words.
This Is A Filler Chapter...
I Haven't Updated This Book For A Couple Of Months :(
Thank You for The Comments, Votes And The Reads. They Honestly Make My Day.
And Could This Please Have 700 Reads And 55 Votes? I'll Probably Update Before I Reach This Anyway.
If you like Zayn Malik check out my other book 'raegans innocence'..
Alsoo Follow Me On Instagram @ yagirlniyaa💕

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