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Jace's infatuation had started around 3 months ago. He was almost sure of it.

It was an accident really. He didn't mean to meet her. And he certainly didn't mean to fall in for her. But he just couldn't help himself. She was so enchanting, so beautiful and shy that he just couldn't control his thoughts when he was around her.

So when he finally mustered the courage to get himself out of his own head and ask her on a date, he found himself in a loop.

"I'm sorry, but I can't right now." Those words came out so softly and quietly that he almost missed it. And he wished he did.

Thalia's excuses followed right after with a sympathetic smile. And from the look in her eyes and the way her body language changed so abruptly, one would be under the impression that she was the one who was rejected.

Jace subconsciously tuned out Thalia after she said 'No'. He was still in shock and quite frankly he didn't want to hear her pathetic excuses.

So he completely walked away from her while she was explaining herself, effectively cutting her off. She looked at the back of his head in bewilderment. Her eyebrows raised in offence.

She didn't mean to hurt him. She just didn't know him to the point she felt comfortable with going out with him. Shaking her head with slight indignation, she turned back around and took a sip of her coffee.


 2 weeks later Thalia still found herself thinking about him. Just small thoughts, all surrounding his charm, his good looks and his confidence- something she wished she desperately had. More often than not, she woke up at night from her tossing and turning in bed. She was so embarrassed to see him again after their encounter that she stopped going to the family owned cafe. She was convinced she was gonna see him again. And the flashback to how she rejected him painted nothing but an embarrassing memory in her mind.

But after a lot of pacing, and a lot of overthinking, Thalia found herself with a burst of motivation and confidence which led her outside of the cafe. Dressed in her Monday's best, she pushed down any nerves and pulled the door open, letting herself ease her way in.

Thalia wasn't able to make her way into the cafe completely until she zeroed in on him. But he wasn't alone. He had a blue haired girl sitting across from him, face morphed into glee as he chuckled at what she had to say.

She felt her insides churn. But not with jealousy- with confusion. How could he move on so quickly? If it was her she would still be fawning after the guy.

She couldn't help herself from staring at him, ignorant to the two people who were behind her waiting for entry into the cafe. The irritated 'excuse me' prompted her to get her bearings and move up in a hurry, making a beeline for the barista.

Her order didn't require much talking, a small vanilla coffee with two pumps of caramel. An order that the second barista was quick to get started on. Digging in her wallet for some cash and coins, she handed the money to the barista distractedly. She couldn't help looking back at Jace, still enamored in his conversation to notice.

She kept her head low begging the Lord that he wouldn't see her as she sat down. But fate obviously had a vendetta against her as Jace's head snapped to the side when he heard the obnoxious sound of the chair squeaking.

His brown eyes widened when he saw her. But his eyes changed from surprised to irritated in a matter of seconds.

He didn't want her here.

Not now.

"Thalia" The barista called out, skimming the half empty cafe in search of her head.

It took Thalia a minute for her to gather her wits, as she pulled her eyes away from his. But she got up as quickly as she sat down, and took her bag with her. Making her way to the order table, she snuck another glance in his direction.

 She noticed the glare he was giving her and couldn't find it in herself to understand why he was mad at her. But she shook off his glare and went to the table. Picking up her coffee and sweetly thanking the barista.

She turned on her heel ready to make out of the door. But she stopped herself before she could make it out.

She had to say something. It was in the back of her mind. And if she hadn't she would regret it.

She shuffled to the side, allowing the people from earlier to pass before moving to the side. Picking her head up, and straightening her back, Thalia took a few small steps to Jace's table.

Jace instantly shot his head up in confusion and the blue haired girl looked startled, not expecting any extra people to accompany them.

Jace couldn't help the smirk that was quickly formed on his face, already anticipating what was going to happen next.

Thalia's hands slowly started jittering in an attempt to calm down. But nothing could ease her nerves. Not now. Not when he was starting so intently at her.

"I would like to speak to you...about what happened a few days ago." She couldn't stop stalling and it was embarrassing. She opened her mouth a few times, another sentence just on the very tip of her tongue, but she couldn't will herself to let it out. She looked back up at the pair and saw Jace looking smug and the girl looking interested.

"Spit it out Thalia." Jace snapped at her, eager for those sweet words of defeat to come out.

"I wanted to apologize for what happened. I-It was a lapse of judgement, honestly" Thalia conceded.

The boy smirked at her before dropping his head and releasing a cocky chuckle.

"I know."


rewrite. (10/12-21)

why didn't y'all tell me my writing was embarrassing, i'm gonna kms. 

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