E I G H T / Text Message .

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Dedicated To KAZ761 who gave me this inspiration to finish this chapter / exert ! Love you , pal 😘.

From Thalia Satterfield 💘:

I know damn well you ain't texting me back , after you basically stood me up @ dinner . You've got a lot of nerve . So lemme break it down for you . Don't text me , Don't call me , don't even think about me , k? Cause if I even think you even think about me , I'll hunt you down and slap the shiggity outta you . You think you all buff cause you got tattoos and you drive a nice car, well lemme break it down to you , I ain't impressed. You wanna know why ? It's because I'm a beautiful , independent, and intelligent black woman, k? I don't need yo' humpty dumpty sat on the wall head - ah . Lol . IDC . IDC . You wasn't even all that cute if Im being honest with you . Let's face it , you a bum . You really let a good woman like Thalia get away . You must be stupid , Hah ! Lol , I'm done dragging you , with that "I need to speak to your manager" haircut . Have a nice life "Jace"!! Delete My Number , Hun !!
Sincerely, T 💋.

I didn't put this in the official chapter because I couldn't find a way to continue it after this message . So this is what Trivonna text Jace. 😭😭.
I'll update on Friday.
And yes , I purposely put that "YOU let a good woman like Thalia" go line. You'll see why .

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