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***MESSAGE. THE GUY IN THE PICTURE IS THE NEW MAIN CHARACTER. He will be playing as Jace from now on. I'm very sorry. Luke just wasn't fitting into the "gang". Xo.

2 hours.

It took 2 hours for Thalia to find a dress. The perfect dress.

And she didn't even like the guy! No. But her friend Brittany sure did. Once Thalia told her about the mysterious guy who asked her on a date, Brittany was putty in her hands.

Thalia swore that Brittany and Jace would make the perfect couple. Literally.

They were both crazy. Delusional even. But she at least loved one.

After finding the perfect dress it was time for makeup. Brittany pratically snatched the makeup brushes from Thalia hand the moment she seen them clearly eager.

After a lot of plucking, smearing, arching and brushing, Thalia was finally deemed presentable. Or to Brittany beautiful.

She finally reached the mirror, gasping when she seen her reflection.

She looked gorgeous. Beautiful. Sexy. And so much more. She softly touched her cheek smoothing out her foundation, before turning around to face Brittany.

"Thank you!" Thalia squealed. Running towards her best friend and embracing her in a tight embrace.

"You're welcome boo." Brittany muttered, speech slightly muffled.

A couple more minutes of embracing eachother they let go of eachother, already set on the next step.

Getting Dressed

It seemed like an impossible task at hand. It seemed as though it was going to be the hardest task. Even though it was probably going to he the easiest.

A lot of primping, sucking in, squeezing in and not breathing in later she finally had the beautiful black dress on.

It was form fitting. Squeezing in her waist but making her hips look fuller and more desirable. The dress stopped a little above the knee. It left her looking utterly breath taking.

Thalia blushed looking at herself again. She quickly looked down at her toes wriggling them before shooting her head up to look at Brittany.

"Love you!" Thalia rushed out walking in her friends arms.

"I love you too." Brittany muttered, speech slightly muffled. (Her head was tucked in Thalias neck.)

After embracing eachother for far too long. They departed.

"Now let's go get those shoes!"
Finally buckling on her black 6 inch pumps she was ready. Kissing Brittany goodbye she headed out the door. Already walking to the direction of her 2014 Honda. Getting into the car she quickly shut the door behind her not wanting to get cold.

Turning her car on she drove out of the driveway and into the direction of Vertali*. (Ver. Tail. E). The Italian restaurant that was about 4.6 miles away from her house.

Maneuvering herself from any situations she made her way to to her destination quickly grabbing her black coat from the back of her car.

Shuffling her way to the entrance of the restaurant she let herself in and scanned the restaurant for the desk at front. Finding it easily she made her way to it waiting for the woman to ask for her name.

"Reservation for two. It should be under the name, Jace?" Thalia said feeling quite confident.

The waitress looked flustered when she heard his name but nonetheless she directed Thalia to the table on the far left side of the restaurant.

The waitress Juli stopped a couple feet from the table and pointed to it.

"I wish you the best, ma'am." Juli wispered.

Thalia looked at her in confusion before walking the rest of the way to the table. Suddenly feeling insecure in his presence she slumped down in her seat directed her eyes away from his.

It wasn't until he spoke she looked up at him. Finally acknowledging him.

"Hello, beautiful."

I know it's badd. But I tried to update as fast as I could! I didn't want to leave you guys hanging! However thank you so much for the votes! They mean the world to me.

-much love. Xo

fmoig @: niyasmelanin
fmoitumblr @: niya2sweet
Byeee babes.
I would like to get my reads up....so I don't think I'll update until this gets 500 reads???

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