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WARNINGS: (uncensored) Language, Violence.


"You silly motherfucker. Did you think you could disrespect me and get away with it?" I sneered out as I walked towards Louis shaking body.

His eyes casted downward in submission and his shoulders slumped with humility, but I was way past forgiveness. Did he really think that he could question my orders in front of others AND get away with it? Oh no, all Hell would freeze over before that happens.

The mere thought of Louis challenging my position had me seeing red and before my head could comprehend a severe enough punishment for this borderline miscreant, my fist decided to take it upon themselves to promulgate it.

Bringing my fist back to give him what he had been practically begging for, the sound of a piercing scream had me flinching back in shock.

Who the fuck was that?

My head snapped to the door room that was currently holding the source of the scream and grimaced. I hated the sound of screaming. And from the sound of it, Jewel was the voice behind it.

Shoving Louis into the nearest wall, I shuffled away from him in attitude. Why couldn't shit go the way I wanted it to for one day? These people act like they can't do things right the first time.

Pushing past Antonio and Royal, I opened the door that had Violet in there, and I immediately stepped back in disgust, my nose curling up from the stench. It smelt revolting, but then again, decaying body parts never did smell the best. Stepping inside the room, I slammed the door behind me, trying to contain the unbearable smell to on room- and one room only.

I was met with Zain, my right hand woman, handing me a mask to keep the smell out.

Grabbing the mask from her hands graciously, I hurried to cover nose from inhaling any more of this crap. After putting the strands around my ears, I turned to Zain' and allowed her to lead me to our ...special guest.

Long and behold there she was.

Bloodied, cut up and almost beyond recognizable. I grimaced when I seen her.

"Did you really have to be so...brutal, Z?" I piped up.

"Did you want the information or what ?" Zain' responded, making a trip around the table that had Jewel on it- smiling in satisfaction when Jewel snapped her neck in fear to keep an eye on her. "Please tell me Jace, when did you become such a...wuss?"

My head shot up in surprise, and astonishment. Zain' never did know her limits. Shaking my head softly, I let out a chuckle. Not because it was amusing- but because I was sure that no matter how many times I reminded her about her place, she managed to put me back in mines.

"Don't push it."

She' cleared her throat in annoyance, and took in a breath before continuing. "I was able to pry out all the information you claimed that you needed. If you have anything else you need to say- say it now before I finish my work here." She was running her hands along the stainless steel table as she was talking and finished by swiping up a stray drop of blood.

I looked down at Jewel and cocked my head to the side. If only she had complied before hand, she wouldn't be in this predicament.

"No, that will be all Z. You may proceed."

Pulling the pistol out of her holster, she cocked it and placed the barrel of the gun to her temple.

Smiling softly she tilted her head. "Any last words princess?"


She pulled the trigger.


Wiping her hands slowly, Zain made her way to me. An hour had passed since she had initially killed Jewel and I was just here to make sure the body was disposed of correctly. Watching Zain pluck every tooth from her mouth, shave her head, gauge her eyeballs out, and drop her remains in a bucket of acid had been a ...fascinating sight to see.

The way Zain cared for her craft is why we became such good friends. And as she took her time walking towards me, I couldn't help but to actually look at her, not as my friend but as the intelligent, confident and beautiful woman she was.

Before I could even open my mouth to utter a thank you, I was snatched down by the collar of my shirt, knocking the wind out of me.

"Next time, you're going to be the one covered in blood. Got it?"

Yanking myself free from her small hands, I turned my back to her and began to make my way to the door that was keeping us in this disgusting room.

"When you reach 5'6, then I will." I replied, only cracking a smile that she couldn't see after she cursed at me.

Opening the door for her, I waited until she finally went through to allow myself to exit, throwing the face mask on the ground when I did.

By the time me and Zain' had finished, all of my men had decided to leave...without telling me.

My positive mood completely flipped, and I could begin to feel myself getting furious at the thought of them disobeying me. My nose flared and my fist begin to curl up, this type of disobedience would not continue to take place- not under my name.

But before I could allow my mind to wonder into what I could do to them, Zains snapping snapped me out of my thoughts. "Did you hear I word I just said Jace?"

My silence was the answer. She rolled her eyes in response. Huffing out a breath she restated her question. "How are you and Talie or whatever her name was?"

"It's Thalia you insufferable witch. I swear you and Noah are just the sa- "

Zain cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"Although I know you aren't going to reveal anything serious to me, a small word of advice to you Jace. Under no circumstances should your right hand know what your left hand is doing. Now, apply it. "


1027 words.

AN; long time no see. I feel as though that this has been long overdue, it's like I try to update.. but the inspiration is never there. and sometimes I don't have the energy to push myself to keep writing, anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, because I promised myself that this book WILL be finished by the end of senior year. but thank you for your love and kindness that you have given to this book.

ANP2; Let me make this clear, I am a nice person. But PLEASE, don't take this kindness as a weakness, I accept constructive criticism because I want to grow as a writer, HOWEVER, don't disrespect me, or bash my book by ANY FUCKING means. I won't hesitate to drag you, delete your comments and block you. You get what you give and if you give me bitch, guess what, you'll get it right back. (If this doesn't apply then don't take it personal)

Anyway, we'll pick up with their date! thank you so much for reading my sunflowers. Stay cute and live your best life. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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