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(I think this will be Thalia. But this can change in the future)

J A C E : A N D E R S

"Hello, beautiful."

"H-Hi, Jace." Thalia stuttered. Barely making eye contact with me in the process.

I smirked smugly at her reaction to me. This was going to be easy. She was so nervous around me, so scared of saying the wrong thing. So I knew getting her was going to be a simple task.

"How was your day, Thalia?"

She had her head bowed down, and she was looking in the palm of her hands that were settled in her lap.

"Today was fine Jace. How about you?"

Ah. So no stuttering. Wonderful.

"Things have been wonderful ever since you came through the door." I replied smoothly. Even though her head was still facing the ground I knew I had succeeded in making her blush.

A few seconds of comfortable silence came before I grew tired of looking just at her head and not her face.

"Look at me Thalia." I said.

She raised her head slightly but not enough to see her beautiful face fully. Slowly but surely she brought her head up all the way. And when she stopped and stared at me I felt my mouth go dry.

God. She was gorgeous. So so gorgeous.

Her dark brown eyes were wide and and curious and they even looked a little innocent , and her nose was wide but still cute as a button. And her mouth. Don't even get me started, those pouty, full lips were pratically begging to be placed on mine.

I snapped out of my daze when I see her start to bring her face down in her lap again.

"Don't you dare."

It came out of me so fast that I didn't even notice that I had said it until I seen her doe eyes go wide in confusion.

"Don't you dare put your face down again." I finished. I watched her reaction for anything other than her usual emotions.


She still had that confused look on her face and I so desperately wanted to wipe it off of her.

At this the waiter appeared asking for our drinks.

"I'll take the Stark: Primitivo wine." I spoke out calmly.

The waiter jotted down my request before turning his attention to Thalia. "And for you, Miss."

"Can I have Water. With no lemon?" She questioned.

The waitor jotted down her request before making his way back to the kitchen.

Water......with no lemon?

What are we. Five?

I voiced that out to her.

Her reaction was not what I expected.

She looked irritated at first before responding. "Did I say anything when you ordered your nasty wine? No. I didn't, so I don't expect you to say any thing when I order what I want. Understand?" She spat.

To say I was surprised would be a understatement. She even managed to startle herself with her response because she quickly brought her hand up to her mouth. Her eyes apologetic.

"I'm so sorry, Jace. I didn't know wh-."

"Just watch it next time." I inturrupted. I was not in the mood to deal with her new attitude.

She nodded eagerly, clearly wanting to change the subject. "Soooo tell me about yourself." She stated.

"I don't talk about me on the first date. I don't like talking about me at all. So how about you tell me about you."

Thalia looked slightly taken aback, not expecting what I was going to say. But she quickly recovered.

"Well, I'm currently employed at my mother's restaurant 'Mommas Kitchen'. And I'm currently a sophmore at Ridge Way College. I like the color purple. And I hate sunflowers." Thalia finished smiling softly in the end.

I nodded in acknowledgement. I watched as the now female waiter made her way towards us. With our drinks in tow.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience but your previous waiters shift was over and I have come to replace him. Again I'm sorry for the inconvenience." She finished by putting the drinks on the table.

"Are we ready to order?" The waitress, Emma asked shooting me a small smile.

"Can I have the Alfredo?" Thalia spoke shyly.

Why would she ask for what she wanted? That's dumb. (I HAD TO)

The waitress jotted down her order quickly looking uninterested. But her demeanor changed when she asked for mine.

"I'll have the same thing. " I answered back smiling a little. There was nothing wrong with flitting back a little.

"Right away sir." She whispered. Switching her hips as she walked to the back.

"What do you do?" Thalias voice snapped me out of trance.

"I thought I told you I don't talk about me on the first date." I sigh.

"Please. Just tell me something. Anything." She pleaded.

"I hate questions." I said. I'm sure I sounded irritated.



Just then my phone rang filling the awkward silence.

Noah M. Calling

I answered it immediately.


"Jace! Get down here! We need you!" His voiced ranged through my ears.

I opened my mouth to ask what was wrong but his call ended abruptly.

"I have to go." I rushed out. Sliding out of my seat. I turned to look at Thalia and I immediately wished I didn't.

Her face said it all. She was disappointed.

I looked down not wanting to see her anymore. I knew if I did I would've sat right back down and dismissed the phone call.

But I had a job to do. And she wasn't going to get in the way of it.

"Listen, I'll call yo-." My sentence was cut off when she brushed past me making her way to the exit.

I sighed disappointed. I pulled out my wallet taking out a $100 bill and I put on the table.

Emma could keep the rest.

I paced my way to the door making my way into the slightly chill air and looked for my car.

I had a job to do.

(997 words)

I sorta kinda rushed at the ending tbh. I wanted to hurry and up and update. I'll most likely edit it later. so keep that in mind.


I am going to try to update more often.

much love.

- BeetleJuece

** I will be doing more Jace POVS in the future.


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