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Third Person :

Jace stares at his phone , with his mouth agape . Eyes wide , brows furrowed and sweaty hands . It had been 5 minutes since he had received the message , and as of now this was the first time he has regretted opening a message from Thalia.

He was shell - shocked , appalled even . Why would she say these things? Had they not had a mutual understanding of the predicament he was in? Had she not been understanding that he had a job to do? Maybe Thalia wasn't the girl he pegged her to be.

Placing his head in his hands, Jace groans slowly, his mind racing with what to say. Should he even respond to such a message? Gathering himself, and his wrecked ego he quickly clicked on the message again, his stomach dropping when he read the same message over and over again. He was so engrossed with re reading Thalias message over and over again, he didnt even feel Noah's presence over his shoulder reading along with him.     (This Happens To Me All The Time )

"So....she's one of those girls?" Noah said calmly causing Jace to let out an annoyed sigh.

"What do you mean, she's one of 'those girls'?" Jace let out agitated.

"Oh, ya know. Those girls who constantly refer to themselves in third person. If you ask me it's a bit crazy. Don't you think? I just don-"

Jace quickly turned Noah out. Quickly turning on his phone and going back to the message. Thalia has never referred to herself in third person. Never. Mentally thanking Noah for mentioning the mistake he decided on what to do next . Deciding that texting her would be better than calling he urgently thought of what to say .

It couldn't be something to rude, especially if it was someone who she is close to , like a sister. Did she even have a sister? If so was she going to like him? Maybe she looked just like her? Or maybe they were tw-  Jace shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts before he forgot what he was going to say.

Tapping his chin he decided that keeping the text short and to the point was the best , especially if it was someone of importance.

Clicking the message box he typed out a quick
'Who is this?' Taking a sharp intake of breath he pressed send.

"And that , my good sir is how it's done ." Trivonna says , smirking at her job well done. Tossing Thalia her phone and running back into the room before Thalia could get one angry word out she locked the door before jumping into her bed . That'll show him.

Thalia looked at her now slammed door in nervousness. Knowing Trivonna, she most likely said something stupid, or worse...

Inhaling a sharp breath she picked up her phone , unlocked it and swiped until she found the page her message icon.

Now or Never.

Pressing the icon she was met with no messages sent to Jace and no messages received from Jace.

Thalia bit her lip in disapointment. Nothing? Not even a question mark?

But before she could place her phone down, she heard the familiar beeping of her phone.

"Who is this??"

Completely ignoring his question Thalia jumped right into the message, no longer antsy woth what Trivonna could've said.

"Hey Jace! I don't know what MY BEST FRIEND said but I can assure you, I did NOT pit her up to it. Knowing her she probably told yoi to stay away from me? Or probabbly roasted you??? Anyways i would like to apoligize for whatever she couldve said ..... "

Pressing send , Thalia finally smiled in glee.

Bruhh I went back to read this and realized how short it was..... sorry 😐....

Hola Peeps!! This update has been long overdue! However, my laptop is now officially fixed so, i have no exscuse not to updat anymore!


Would you like 2 SHORT updates every other week. Or 1 LONG update every month?

(Short is below 700 words) (Long is 1500+ words)

If I do short the schedule will officially be : (Counting today)(Only for march)

March 25 2017
April 1 2017
April 15 2017
April 29 2017

Long Updates.

March 25 2017 (this is no longer happening)
April 22 2016
May 26 2017
June 24 2017
Also should I Change Who Thalia Looks Like :

Or should I Shut The Heck Up And Keep Thalia??? ✨✨Anyway , Vote , Comment , Add to Library and Follow💓💓💓Much Love ❤️ Beetlejuece!EDIT: y'all didn't tell me what y'all wanted so I'll update whenever I guess

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Or should I Shut The Heck Up And Keep Thalia??? ✨✨
Anyway , Vote , Comment , Add to Library and Follow💓💓💓
Much Love ❤️
EDIT: y'all didn't tell me what y'all wanted so I'll update whenever I guess. but maybe 55 votes and 20 comments? I'll update before then most likely......❤️

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