T W O (PT. 2)

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"You know?" Thalia uttered, already confused.

"Yes... I know." He smirked looking at her in amusement. "You're so... predictable. You know that right?"

Thalia looked away, suddenly feeling stupid for coming over and putting herself out there like this. He was being mean, and so dismissive. Feeling herself shift into that mood, she took a small step back, already set on making a dash to the door. But she stops herself once he opens his mouth.

"Look at me."

Thalia looked up in alarm, her plan to escape already crushed "Yes?"

"What's the real reason you came to talk to me?" He cocked his head to the side in amusement, "And try not to lie to me."

Thalia looked at him in slight confusion. Hadn't she just told him why she came? She looked at him. What other reason could there be other than apologizing?

"I don't understand the question....." she said. "I just told you why I-"

"Today Thalia." He narrowed his eyes, tapping his foot impatiently.

She continued to look at him dumbfounded. She really didn't know what he wanted.

"I'm sorry for....denying your date?" She questioned.

He looked pleased for a second, his eyes darting to the guest he had across from him, before his eyes shifted back to Thalia in irritation.

"Is that all you have to say?"

 Then it clicked for her.

"I was really hoping that you'd rethink taking me on a date?" She questioned, her voice dripping with hope.

Jace's eyes gleamed with the thought of another date, and he couldn't help himself with his quick response. "I thought you'd never ask."


(10/12/21) revised. 

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