Great Minds Think Alike

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I push back the strands of my hair, obscuring my vision. Sitting on the top of the jeep, I squint at the direction of the city.

Newt and Thomas stand at the edge of the ridge, looking at the same direction while they talked about something among themselves.

Fiona is beside me. She folds her hands on her lap, a frown on her lips.

Fiona and Brenda immediately noticed the toxic air around me and Newt. They immediately pressed Thomas about it, who had no other option but to give in to their persuasion and tell them everything that had happened.

"You don't have to say anything. You don't have to make me feel okay." I wince at the hoarseness of my voice.

The emerald eyed girl shakes her head. "Newt is just being petty."

"Don't say his name. Please." My bottom lips wobbles and I burst into tears. I look at the ring's indenture on my finger. "I thought, we were forever."

Fiona exhales loudly. "I thought so too. I think he is the one who is at fault. He shouldn't have been so angry with you. Was there even anything to be this angry at?" She whispers the last part to herself.

"I thought, he would spend the rest of his life with me, just like he said he would. I thought-I thought we would be-" My throat closes up and I drop my head in my hands, crying. Fiona wraps her hands around my shoulder, pulling me to her chest.

She exhales loudly. "Just stop crying." she snaps at me after sometime.

"Why?" I sniffle, looking at the brunet. "Let me just be."

"No." She glares at me. "What you need now is a girl-to-girl talk and since Bea is really young for it and Aislinn will murder Ne-him, literally, so it falls upon me to show you some hard love."

"What about Brenda?" I ask her, eying the Spanish girl who is talking to Aislinn and Jorge.

"Oh, she's the one who pinched Thomas until he blurted out the incident. She told me to talk to you."

"I can't, I can't stop crying." I wipe my tears, only for a fresh wave to tumble down again.

"You have to. It's very pathetic that the jerk off of an ex- fiancé of yours is already up for getting his friend back and acting like everything is okay while you are here, a complete mess." Fiona snaps, "you need to remind the world who the hell you are. You need to tell them that you are Adelaide freaking Duncan, and you are the Queen of the world."

"I am?"

Fiona looks at me bewildered. "Are you out of your mind!? You can literally snap someone's head with bare hands, you've broken bones with your bare hands. You are the best fighter that we have, the weaponry expert. Do you want me to continue? Because I can go on for, like an hour."

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