Brain Matter On The Wall

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My eyes snaps open again. They close again and then again opens.
My heart pounds; my hands grow clammy. My movement is coming back, slowly.

The lights zooming by. Another turn, then another.

I try to remember the turns that we take.

I am not going to give up this easily. I have my boy to save.

“I …,” I start to say, trying to plan a distraction, but nothing else comes out.

“What?” Christensen asks, peering down at me.

I struggle to speak, but before I can force any words out a thunderous boom rattles the hallway and the doctor tripped, her weight pushing the gurney forward as she scrambles to stop herself from falling.

The bed shoots to the right and crashes into the wall. I try to move, but I am still not completely okay. I am still helpless.

Someone screams from the direction of the explosion. Shouts follows. Then everything becomes silent again. The doctor is up on her feet, hurrying to the gurney, straightening it out, pushing it again, banging through a set of swinging doors.

Few people dressed in scrubs awaits me in a white operating room.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Christensen starts barking orders. “We have to hurry! Everyone, get to your places. Lisa, get her fully sedated. Remember she’s The Cube, she will try to fight till the end! Now!”

A short lady responds. “We haven’t done all the prep—”

“It doesn’t matter! As far as we know the whole building’s gonna burn down.”

Yeah, fuckers, this is the plan. I will rather burn alive than dying in your fucking hands!

She places me and the gurney next to a bed. They lift my body up and place me on the bed. They don’t bother to put me in restrains this time.

There are at least four doctors and three nurses surrounding me.

Suddenly there is a prick in my arm. I glance down to see the short lady inserting an IV into my vein.

Shit no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I reach out to pull that syringe out of my arm, but my arms feel like lead.

The lights are placed in position just above me. Other things are stuck into my body in various places; monitors starts beeping;  people talking over other people; the room is filled with the scurry of movement, it’s a chaos yet organised .

I can feel tears escape from my eyes and tremble down, and I can feel myself getting short on breath.

And the lights, so bright. The room is spinning, the people are spinning, the lights are spinning, my head is spinning.

Why isn't anyone coming to save me?

A few seconds later, the drugs finally takes me and it all goes away.


I feel myself struggling before even my eyes opened. I hear myself groan.
When I feel myself struggling to sit up, a voice snaps at me.

“Stop, moving, Ally.”

I open my eyes. Blinking against the brightness of the overhead lights, I can feel myself on someone’s arms, running uncomfortably.

I shift my gaze to find the bright eyes of Gally staring back at me. I hit on his arm softly, signalling him to stop. Gally sets me down against a wall.

“Hey, you okay?” his voice had a hint of concern and his eyes shows worry.

“Wh-What happened?” I groan. My limbs are still buzzing with pain.

“They almost cut you off, I thought you weren’t going to be awake.”

“They-they wanted my brain, for a temporary cure.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I smashed a few of  their brains against the wall. Their brain matter is on the walls.”  Gally mused. "Quite a new interior design."

I chuckle tiredly, trying to blink the drowsiness away from my eyes.

“They drugged you up pretty well.” He mumbles to himself before going to pick me up again, but I stop him.

“I’ll-I’ll do it.”

Gally goes to protest, but he stops himself m he knows is better by now that I never listen.

He grips my arm in support while I push myself off the floor. My mind begins to clear, and I realize that other than a faint grogginess, I feel fine.

“Hey, there’s another group of people breaking through the compound right now.” Gally’s eyes scan my face. “Do you know anything about it?”

I sigh, leaning heavily on him. “The Group.”

Gally blinks. “What the fuck?! You are working with The Group?!”

“I had no choice, okay? They said they know that there is a cure here. It is not confirmed to work on the infected but right now, even if there is a glimmer of hope, I will take it.”

Gally furrows his eyebrows. “The Group are the worst people to work with. Completely unreliable.”

I nod. “That’s why I had asked Lawrence for the Bliss vials. I need to do anything and everything that I can for Newt.” I look at Gally. “Please Gally, understand me. I can’t afford to loose anyone else.”

Gally opens his mouth to speak but pulls his lips in a thin line and nods. He pulls me up to my feet easily. "Okay, let's go and save Thomas' ass again. He has put himself in danger again."

Surprised at how quickly my strength has returned, I ran with Gally outside the blazing building.

"Duh, he's Thomas. He acts before he thinks."


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