The Briefcase

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[LOOK AT HIM🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤😭😭😭😭]

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[LOOK AT HIM🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤😭😭😭😭]



y own breathing echoes raggedly in the helmet as I and Newt pass through the unsuspecting staff and enter through the side security, donning the WICKED guard suit.

My body is forcing me to tear open the suit and set it in fire, destroy all its existence but I can’t.

ot right now, anyway.

Teresa walking down the hall, tersely followed by a WICKED guard.

Thomas, walk properly.

Though I know that my mental battering would have no effect on him.
They both meet us and Newt gives Thomas a small nod. Teresa leads the way to the sublevel and we trail behind her.
It’s not uncommon for a WICKED staff to be guarded with a guard anymore. With the heavy atmosphere of rebellion outside the walls and the increasing resistance from their subjects, they are always on high tension.

Moreover, they know that they have important subjects still out of their reach who will do anything to get their friend back. Or that's what Lucifer told me.

It's good to know that they fear us. It's good to be to the powerful one for once.

“You should correct your posture.” I whisper to Thomas. “Walk a little more casually.”

Thomas gives me a tense nod and corrects his walk. We walk down the hall and enter in an elevator.

Teresa hovers her ID above the scanner. With a small beep, the scanner accepts her card and the elevator door slides shut. Teresa punches a button.

“You know that they are waiting for you.” Teresa looks at Thomas over her shoulder, “They don’t trust me enough to let me go to the secluded area.”

“They trust you enough to let us get what we want.” Thomas replies curtly. “And don’t talk!”

Newt coughs harshly and leans over the railings. Slightly rising his helmet up, he slips his hand inside the helmet.
Probably swiping the sweat off his face.

My heart pains seeing the boy I love slowly crumble to the sickness rooting in his brain. I grit my teeth and try to remain impassive as I continuously remind myself my aim and the tasks that lays before me.

I feel Newt’s chocolate eyes on me and I look at him, forcing out any trace of emotions from my face.

He doesn't need to know that I'm internally dying here.

I had already injected him with one dose of the Bliss and it seemed to have a pretty good job in keeping Newt healthy for about a day or so, until from this evening, his health started to detoriating again.
However, I can’t give me two doses of the Bliss this quickly.
The Bliss makes you loopy and completely out of it and we can’t afford that right now. Moreover, The Bliss won’t work if given in such a short time gap.
And also we have just three more vials left.
I will get you fixed Newt. If it’s the last thing I do.

As the elevator halts with a ding, we all slip into our professional WICKED guard attitude and follow Teresa out. When we come to a fork in the hall, we all halt.

Tightly clasping the handle of the small briefcase, I quickly hug Newt, basking in his warmth. 
I try not to think of the horrors in my mind telling that this might be the last time I see the boy.

“Be careful down the hall.” I place a hand on his cheek. He leans on my hand, smiling softly.

“Be careful in planting the bomb.”

After hugging Thomas, I step out of the elevator and start my way down the hall.

Leaving the boy I love, the boy who is my partner in recklessly stupid and dangerous ideas and that backbiting bitch to continue in their own part of the plan, in the elevator, I summon all the confidence and trudge down the hallways.

the next chapter has a part that I'm really excited to share with you all. it's something that I've never tried😀😀😀😀


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