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Most of the drivers are currently doing there track walk. Daniella’s full attention was on what Nate is explaining as Myra followed them close taking some photos now and then.

Lando and his team is not far behind. The young McLaren drive is in a happy mood after Daniella gifted him a watch this morning which she bought days ago.

The track walk was almost coming to an end when Pierre Gasly caught up to Lando and asking if they can talk.

“What’s up?” Lando asked.

“This is a bit awkward, but,” Pierre hesitated. “Is there anything going on between you and Dani?”

“What do you mean?” Lando asked confused.

“I mean are you two dating or do you like her or anything?”

Lando was bit taken aback. His eyes shifted from Pierre to Daniella who was only few meters away from them. “Umm…no. We are not dating or anything. I mean we are best friends, and that’s it.”

Pierre let out a deep sigh as he smiled which made Lando even more confused and somewhat annoyed. “I am thinking about asking her out…you know I really like her but you two are so close…”

“Nahh, mate,” Lando cut him off. “Nothing is going on between us…you can ask her out.” His eyes again lending on his best friend.

“Thank you so much mate,” Pierre gave a thankful smile. “I really hope she says yes.” He too looked a Daniella before jogging away to join his team back.

Daniella laughed at one of Nate’s joke as when her eyes fell on Lando, standing in the middle of the track looking confused and annoyed. She waved at him but he just shook his head, turned and walk away.

Please don’t say yes Ella



Daniellamichaels: you guys ready for the triple header?

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Daniellamichaels: you guys ready for the triple header?

User671: YES
User934: Let’s go Red Bull

Pierregasly: 😍😍

Myraaa: Are you ready for media day?😂
---- daniellamichaels: ughh I hate you

User390: future world champ

Maxverstappen1: Let’s aim for double podium partner
--❤️ liked by daniellamichaels

User463: no comments from lando? Strange


Daniella noticed Lando and Carlos talking and quickly made her way towards them. She has noticed the Lando has been ignoring her and being weird, more so than usual, and she at this time she wants nothing more than to find out what is wrong with him.

Before Daniella could reach them Carlos pointed out that she is walking towards them, and Lando wasted no time and ran away.

“What the hell is wrong with him?” she asked the Ferrari driver.

“Who?” Carlos asked, trying to act he has no idea.

“Lando. Something is wrong with him,” she explained. “He was fine yesterday morning but after that he is running away when he sees me and he is even ignoring my calls. He never ignore my calls.”

Carlos now has a worried expression on his face. He is little bit aware of what is going on as Lando was explaining go be before he ran away. “I don’t know what to say…maybe is worried about the race.”

“You are a terrible lier, you know that,” Daniella rolled her eyes and sounded angry. “Tell him I am already very mad at him and if he doesn’t come talk to me I will…I will be even more mad.”

Daniella gave a warning look at Carlos before walking away. Right now she only need to concentrate on qualifying and then the race, she can solve the ‘Lando problem' later.

As soon as she was out of sight Carlos ran to find Lando and warn him about his angry best friend.

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