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No one is more bored and annoyed than Daniella. She sat at the family dinning table, almost done with her dinner as her great aunt who invited herself over went on and on about how women should behave. Everytime her father or stepmom tries to change the subject great aunt Fiona would cut them off.

“Does she ever shut up?” Collins whispered in Daniella’s ear. She has already got an earfull for not wearing ‘lady like’ outfit for dinner.

Daniella just rolled her eyes and shook her head. Fiona has already criticized their parents, Collins and even Lauren who is not there, and soon she is going to go on her.

“And what about you?” Fiona turned her attention to Daniella. “When are you going to settle down?”

Daniella almost chocked and Collins refilled her glass with water. “Settle down?”

“Mmhm,” Fiona nodded. “I was married and pregnant with my second child by the time I was your age. Even Lauren is pregnant, out of wedlock which I don’t support but she is getting married soon….”

“I think we should talk about something else,” Jenna, Daniella’s stepmom tried to change the subject again.

Fiona glared at the parents for a second before continuing. “If you have trouble finding a guy I can help you. I know a great guy who is willing to look past your racing job…”

“Why do I feel like this guy is just like you, born 2 centuries ago and has a narrow mentality?” Daniella said through her gritted teeth, unable to tolerate het great aunt anymore.

Fiona gasped and looked at the rest of family in horror. Collins was unable to control her laughter, David and Jenna just looked at eachother and sipped their wine.

“Are you going to let her talk to me like that?”

“I am sorry Fiona,” David apologized. “What Dani said was wrong.” He turned to his daughter. “We don’t comment on someone’s age Dani, even though they are 2 centuries old.”

Collins and Jenna just burst out laughing as Dani just chuckled.

Fiona opened her mouth again but got cut off my Daniella phone ringing. She quickly excused herself and went to the kitchen.

“Hey Max,” she answered the call. “How was the match?”

“Umm we lost,” Max replied with an uneasy voice. “Something happened Dani.”

“Are you and Lando okay?”

“People were going crazy after the match and on our way back to the car we…we got mugged.”

“What?” immediately fear and concern filled her heart. “Are you two okay?”

“I am fine but Lando got a few bruises and he is pretty shaken up,” Max explained. “He told me not to call you but….”

“Where are you two now?” She already got her purse and ready to leave.

“Lando’s house. He doesn’t want me to stay that’s why I am calling you.”

“I am on my way.”

She gave a quick hug to her parents and sister, and completely ignoring her great aunt before walking out and getting in het car.

Within an hour she reached Lando’s house. Max opened the door and told her Lando was in his room. He explained the entire event before leaving.

Daniella knocked before opening the door and walking in.

“What are you doing here?” Lando asked, lifting his head from the pillow.

“Max called me.” She went and sat on the bed. “Are you okay?”

Lando shook his head as he sat up, a tired look on his face.

“Max told me you got hurt.”

He slowly lifted up his tshirt to show her the bruises forming. Daniella gasped at the sight, her hand lightly touching the bruised areas.

“They took the watch you gave me,” Lando looked Daniella. “I tried to fight them but…”

“Its just a watch Lando,” she pulled down his tshirt and hugged him carefully. “Not worth risking your life.”

Lando hugged her back tightly, finally feeling a little relief. He shifted to the side and Daniella got on the bed.

“You want me to stay with you tonight?”

Lando nodded as he put his head back on his pillow. Daniella kissed his cheek and started running her fingers through his curls which relaxed him. “Go to sleep. I will be here when you wake up.”


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