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"That went well," Daniella smiled as the couple left her parent's house and got in their car. They have been invited for a family dinner and it went better than what the couple expected.

"I think your dad is starting to like me," Lando proudly smiled as he started the car. "He didn't try to scare me even once."

Daniella chuckled as she playfully rolled her eyes. "Oh please! He liked you way before we started dating..."

"They why did act all scary and...very scary all this time?"

"Because he wants to make sure no one hurts his daughter," Daniella explained.

"I would never hurt you," he softly replied as he interlocked his fingers with hers.

"I know that, and now dad knows that too," she smiled as she placed a kiss on his hand.

Lando once again proudly smiled as he feels like he finally got the full approval of Daniella's family.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you earlier. Me and your dad are going golfing tomorrow."

"Ughh! someone kill me now," Daniella groaned.

"You are welcome to join us," Lando gave a cheeky grin.

Daniella thought for a few seconds. If she goes there is a hundred percent chance of embarrassing herself with her golfing skills not only in front of her boyfriend but also in front of her father, and she is pretty sure neither of them is going to let her forget about it. But if she doesn't go then who knows what they might talk about her, she will be damned if they trade embarrassing secrets about her.

"Fine, I will go," she huffed. "But no making fun of my golfing skills."

"I would never do that," Lando tried not to smile.


"Do we have too many clothes or our closet is getting smaller?" Lando questioned as he was struggling to find an empty space to put his freshly washed clothes.

"We have too many clothes," Daniella replied as she looked up from her laptop. "Also this closet was built for only one person."

"Why did you buy a house with small closets?" Lando pouted as he tried to fit his unfolded clothes in a drawer.

"Because at that time I didn't know that you and I are going to live together," she smiled as she put down her laptop and went over to help him fold the clothes and that they will fit somewhere.

Lando looked at Daniella as his mind did some thinking.

"I think we should move into a bigger house?" he suggested.

"What?" she looked up. "What is wrong with this house?"

"Nothing," he shrugged. "Except for we don't have enough space to put all our clothes in, and you do too much cooking and the kitchen seem small for that, oh and our backyard is too small for our future dog."

"When did we decide to get a dog?" Daniella tried to hold her smile.

"Well...you have always wanted one," he smiled. "And I was hoping we can get one together..."

Daniella smiled as she kissed him. "I will think about the house."


"Dani, you are doing it wrong," David, Daniella's father tried to hold his laughter. For the past half an hour, both Lando and her father have been trying to show her how to golf and it is evident that she sucks at it.

"I know it is your first time golfing, but please try not to embarrass me in front of Lando," her father joked, earning a glare from her.

"Well...this is not her first time golfing," Lando replied as he made a shot. "It's a miracle she didn't stump over and fell today."

Daniella's jaw dropped. Before coming to the golf course she made Lando promise not to tell her father anything embarrassing about her, yet here he is breaking his promise.

"Okay golf is the only thing I suck at," Daniella glared at the two men in front of her, her hands resting on her waist. "I think you two can cut me some slack."

"We can," David smiled at his daughter. "But where is the fun in that."

Lando laughed at his girlfriend's angry expression.

Daniella regrets joining them for golf, her boyfriend and father teaming up is like a nightmare for her.

"Well...Lando sucks at cooking," she tried to put the attention on her boyfriend.

"So?" her father chuckled. "Even I suck at cooking. You know I almost burnt down the house once when you were a little kid?."

Lando went and stood beside Daniella and placed a kiss on her cheek. "Don't worry babe, you are perfect in everything else."

"hey! No kissing in front of me," David glared at the couple.

"Sorry sir," Lando stiffened.

Daniella stood there pouting as her boyfriend and her father traded stories about her for the rest of the time on the golfing course.


AN: Thoughts on this chapter?

Thoughts on the Mexican GP? I feel so bad for Bottas, I really wanted to see him on the podium. But Max won so I am pretty happy about it and I am like 90% sure he is going to be WDC this year. But I also want Lewis to be 8th time WDC...its really stressful being a fan of both Max and Lewis.

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