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“No! No! No!,” Daniella’s disappointment was heard through the radio as he spun off the track and hit the barricade, causing her to be out of the race with only five laps to go.

She was so close to secure P3 but the rain ruined her chances.

“Its okay Dani,” Nate tried to comfort her. “There is always the next race.”

Daniella didn’t say anything but just sat in silence for a few seconds as she felt a sharp pain in her shoulder.

“You did your best Dani,” The team principal said through the radio, the hint of disappointment was visible as he knows Lewis will now get the lead in the championship.

“Yeah ummm…I think I hurt my shoulder,”she said as she got out of the car.

“Copy, we will have it checked out as soon as possible.”

When she got back she was told that Lando didn’t win the race which doubled down on her disappointment.

“But he was doing so well,” Daniella said in a low tone as her shoulder and arm was being examined. “I should go see him.”

“You will see him later,” Myra told her sternly. “Right now your health is more important.”

“I don’t think its anything major, but I suggest we send her for an xray just to be sure,” the medic told them.

Christian nodded as he put his hand lightly on Daniella’s shoulder.

“Go with her,” he told Myra. “And keep me updated.”

“Can you just give me fifteen minutes?” Daniella begged the team principal. “Let me just go and see Lando, I will be back within fifteen minutes, I promise.”

Christian thought for a few seconds before agreeing. “Fine. Only fifteen minutes.”

Daniella quickly jump off her seat and made her way to find her boyfriend.

“What is going on between those two?” Christian asked.

Myra shrugged, “I don’t know.”


Daniella walked towards the McLaren garage, holding her right shoulder as the pain was getting a little worse by the minute.

She spotted Lando who was walking towards the garage from the opposite direction, he is still wearing his helmet.

Daniella can only imagine how he is feeling. Losing his maiden win in formal one must have broken his heart.

“Lando…” She called out to get his attention, but someone else call out her name.

Pierre came jogging towards her.

“What happened to you?” he looked concerned. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah I am fine,” She replied quickly and turn to look at Lando.

Lando noticed his girlfriend and stopped. But as soon as he saw Pierre with her the negative emotions in him intensified.

“Lando wait,” Daniella walked towards him but he ignored her and went into the garage.

“Let him go,” Pierre stopped her. “He probably wants to be alone.”

She ignored Pierre and continued walking.

He put his hand on her shoulder in attempt to slow her down but immediately lifted his hand up when she flinched with the contact.

“You are hurt,” he rushed and stopped in front of Daniella, not letting her take another step. “Have you got it checked out?”

“Pierre, I know you are really worried but I am worried about Lando now,” she said through her gritted teeth, feeling frustrated. “So please move aside.”

Pierre looked stunned and didn’t say anything.

Daniella didn’t wait for him to move aside and just walked past him.

As soon as she stepped inside the McLaren garage she saw the worried face of Charlotte.

“He has locked himself in the driver’s room,” Charlotte said as she showed Daniella the way.

She hurried down the hall and stopped in front of the locked door.

“Lando..babe,” she knocked at the door. “Its me…please open the door.”

There was no response.

She knocked again but he ignored.

Tears were starting to prick out of her eyes as she knocked again.

Lando ignored his girlfriend as tears were rolling down his face.

“Lando please…” Daniella’s voice broke as she is not able to hold her tears longer and the pain was getting worse.

She stepped back and leaned on the wall as she hold her shoulder, silent tears rolled down her face as Lando also sat crying at the other side of door.

Lando didn’t open the door. Daniella waited for him till Myra came and took her to the hospital.


A/N: This chapter was a little sad.

But will Dani and Lando recover from what happened? What if they break up and Pierre gets his second chance?

Also Lewis is now leading the championship, which means Dani will be under a lot of pressure.

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