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"Red flag Dani, red flag," Nate informed Daniella. "The qualifying session has stopped."

"What happened?" Daniella reduced the pace of the car. It was raining and she is worried something bad might happen, especially given the past records of incidents in this track.

"One of the McLaren crashed."

"Can you confirm if its Lando or Daniel?" Daniella requested nervously.


She drove slowly, trying to see past the rain.

"Umm Dani...it was Lando who crashed."

Daniella felt her heart stopped beating and her breath stuck in her throat. She spotted the McLaren few feet ahead of her.

After the Aston Martin slowly drove off after checking on Lando, Daniella stopped for a brief moment.

Lando gave her a thumbs up and a nod, indicating that he is fine. She let out the breath that was stuck on her throat.

"He is fine."

"That's good to hear Dani," Nate replied. "Now please come back to the pit lane."

Daniella slowly drove past the McLaren.


Lando was taken to the hospital for a quick medical check. Daniella waited impatiently, constantly bouncing her legs and biting her nail, even though she hates the habit of biting nails.

"Would you stop it?" Max hit her bouncing leg. "Its irritating."

"Well I can't help it," Daniella started to bounce her legs again.

"I swear to god Dani, I am going to hit your leg so bad you won't be able to drive tomorrow," Max threatened through his gritted teeth, clearly annoyed by his teammate.

"Enough!" Christian scolded the two drivers. "And Dani, I am sure Lando is fine. You can go and check on him once he is back from the hospital."

"Speak of the devil," Max mumbled as he pointed to the McLaren garage. "He is back and he looks fine."

"He is wearing a splint," Daniella quickly got up and ran to her boyfriend. Charlotte stepped aside as she saw the driver.

Lando gave a weak smile and showed her his arm. "Its not broken."

"Oh thank god," Daniella wrapped her arms around her boyfriend. "I was so worried."

He placed a kiss on the side of her head and wrapped his free arm around her. He took his girlfriend to driver's room.

"You are shivering," he noticed, and tried to warm her up.

"Yeah..I didn't realized," she sat closer to Lando and tried to get rid of the chills.


"That was the most embarrassing race and podium of my life," Daniella complained. "No offence George."

"None take," the Williams driver chuckled. "But I will take whatever I can get."

The race was delayed due to rain, and then it only took place for two laps and that only behind the safety car. She started and finished in P2, Max was the winner and George was P3.

"That was a phenomenal drive El," Lando teased. "I would say it was one of your best performance."

"Oh please," she rolled her eyes.

"He is not wrong," Max joined in. "We had to overtake the entire grid to finish 1-2," he joked, earning a good laugh for everyone except Daniella.

In Daniella's opinion Belgium grand prix was a joke. Lando crashed, and the fans had to wait in the rain only to see a two lap race behind a safety car. And mostly she feels like the podium was not earned but handed to her.

"Come on," Lando hold her hand. "Lets go home."


A/N: If you want to see Dani interact with any other driver or want Dani x (driver) scenarios then feel free to mention it in the comments.

Also comments from the readers motivates me to write more.

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