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“What was all that about?” Lando asked as Daniella left a pissed of Max behind and approached her boyfriend.

“Just a disagreement,” she lied, almost bearing the same expression as Max.

“Doesn’t seem like just a disagreement,” Lando wondered, but decided to let go. He knows sooner or later Daniella will tell him the truth.

Daniella turned to look at Max who instantly looked away before walking in the opposite direction.

“Anyway,” she looked back at Lando. “What a race huh?”

“Yeah!” Lando sighed as he put his arm around Daniella’s shoulder as they both walked towards to give their post race interviews. “And now we have talk about it in front of the cameras.”

“We can always skip it,” Daniella suggested as she gave Lando a mischievous look.

Lando thought for a couple of seconds before he smiled. “Let’s skip it.”

The couple turned around and was about to head back when they both spotted their PR managers walking towards them.

“Damn it!”

“I guess luck is really not on our side today.”


“That feels much better,” Lando said as the couple stepped out of the bathroom and threw away their towels recklessly before getting dressed.

They wasted no time and jumped on the bed and laid down.

“You were right,” Lando wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer.

“About what?” she looked at him.

“About this track and the race,” he huffed.

Daniella didn’t say anything and turned to face him properly.

“Something else is on your mind,” she pointed out. “What is it?”

Lando gave a faint smile as he thought about the race.

“It’s just…I am not able to perform as best as I know I can. Even when I gibe my best something happens and I get screwed up, like today,” he confessed.

“Sometimes things happen totally outside of our control and no matter how hard we try it doesn’t give us the result we want or deserve,” Daniella said softly as she gently caressed his cheek, making him feel relaxed.

“I know,” he tried to pretend like the poor results are not getting to him. “But after Sochi…I used to finish in the top five and now I am barely able to get a single point, you saw what happened today. What if they kick me out because I…”

“Don’t finish that sentence,” Daniella interrupted. “McLaren is not going to kick you out and I have complete fate that you will get you first win soon and prove everyone wrong, especially yourself.”

“There is only one race left Ella,” Lando sassed. “I would much prefer for you to win that race.”

“Don’t,” she gently hit him. “If you see a win for yourself in the next race than you take it, you understand me?”

Lando chuckled before kissing her.

“Sometimes I feel like you don’t even want the championship…”

Daniella glared at her boyfriend.

“Sorry, no championship talk,” he smiled and kissed her again. "On a bright side we can start working and renovating our new home once the season is over."


A/N: Does anyone feel like  there is an imbalance in Lando and Dani's relationship? Cause I feel that way and I don't know how to fix it.

Did anyone saw Lando's post race interviews? He was just venting all his frustrations, I feel so bad for him. Few months ago he was third in the driver's championship and now he is down to sixth.

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