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Daniella woke up feeling refreshed the next morning and the smell of food immediately put her in good mood. She sat up and looked around.

“Good morning sunshine,” Lando smiled as he pushed over the food trolley. “Feeling better?”

Daniella nodded as she looked over the food, she was starving. “You stayed the night?”

“I kind of fell asleep,” he replied honestly, leaving out the part where he woke up to himself very close to her and and their wrapped around eachother.


“Starving,” she got out of the bed. “Let me wash up first, then we will have breakfast together.”

After a few minutes both sat and had their breakfast, discussing about the race.

“I should call back Pierre,” she said as she checked the messages he sent her asking if she was okay. “I feel bad for ignoring him like this.”

“How serious are you about him?” Lando asked. “Cause if he was really worried and if he really care for you then he would come to see you by now.”

Daniella put down her phone and continued eating. Yes she would have liked if Pierre came to see if she was doing okay, but he wouldn’t have been able to give het the comfort Lando did.
“You are making me confused by asking all this,” she said honestly. “I am unsure about what I want. Pierre is a great guy but I am not sure he is the one for me. I mean I don’t even get jealous when he talk to other girls or like some model’s photo on Instagram.”

“Thirteen year old Daniella Michaels would have raised hell by now,” Lando joked. “Remember when…what was his name, Josh Devlin? He waved at another girl and you didn’t talk to him for 2 weeks? Oh man, you were so jealous.”

“Exactly,” she agreed. “But I don’t know if it is because I have matured or I just don’t like him that way.”

“Maybe he is not the one for you.”


Pierre made is way towards Daniella as soon as she got out of the elevator. She gave him a small wave.

“Are you okay?” he gave her a quick hug, “I was so worried about you.”

“Yeah, I am fine,” she nodded. “Sorry for not picking up your call last night, I was very tired and…”

“You don’t have to apologize, I wanted to come see you but they called me for briefing and some interviews, I got busy there.”

“Its okay, I understand.”

“How about I make it up to you tonight?” Pierre suggested.

“Tonight?” Daniella hesitated. “I already have plans tonight.”

Pierre looked a bit disappointed. “Okay then, how about…”

“Look I am getting late,” Daniella checked the time on her phone. “Me and Max have to shoot a video. We will talk later, okay?”

“Okay,” Pierre nodded.

Daniella said goodbye before rushing out of the hotel as she was really late.

As she get in the car her phone range.
“Hey Charlotte, whats up?” she answered the call.

“Is Lando with you?” Charlotte, Lando’s PR manager asked. “He missed briefing yesterday and he had a meeting with Zac this morning which he cancelled at the last minute.”

“Umm he was with me Charlotte,” Daniella replied. “But he left about an hour ago.”

“Tell him to give me a call when you see him,” the PR manager said.

“Will do Charlotte.”

“Thanks Dani, have a good day.”

Daniella leaned back as she look out the window. She has never felt so confused in her life before.

"Found him." Daniella smiled reading the text from Charlotte.


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