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It’s the day of US grand prix and everyone in the paddock is busy. Daniella was with her team going through the strategies one last time.

“So you are going to the party tonight?” Max asked Daniella as they walked out for the parade.

“What party?” Daniella asked confused.

“Daniel booked a place for tonight,” Max replied just as Daniel joined them.

Daniella looked at the Aussie for a few seconds. He looks like a completely different version of Daniel.

“Howdy,” He greeted the duo as he tipped his cowboy hat. The Texan Daniel is not something Daniella ever imagined.

“Wha…what is all this?” Daniella pointed at his appearance.

“Oh, its me just enjoying Texas,” Daniel smiled. “By the way I am throwing a party tonight, and you Dani are invited.”

“I will try to be there,” Daniella smiled.

“No no no, no trying, you have to be there,” Daniel insisted. “And also convince your boyfriend too, will you?”

Daniella slightly turn red as Max chuckled.

“Oh let me go invite Kimi,” Daniel happily jogged towards the Alfa Romeo driver.

“He is like a kid in Disneyland, isn’t he?” Max chuckled.

Daniella nodded in agreement.

Both got on the bus and it started driving. The crowd was insane and Daniella loved it.

“So..” Lando came and stood next to her. “Are you going to the party tonight? Because I am going only if you are going.”

“Collins will be at her uncle’s tonight, so I think I can go today,” Daniella smiled.

“Okay, we will go together,” his water bottle was empty so he took Daniella’s bottle and handed her the empty one before going over to give his interview.


For Daniella almost the entire race was a wheel to wheel battle with Lewis. There were some laps where she lost the lead to Lewis and Max was try to get P2 but she managed to gain it back.

In the last lap her heart was beating so fast as Lewis was very close and one single mistake could cost her the win. But she managed to cross the checkered flag first, winning the race.

The crowd went wild and so did everyone in the garage.

“Mega job Dani,” Christian happily cheered. “It was a mega mega drive.”

“Thanks,” Daniella replied.

She didn’t get to say much as she was awarded the driver of the day and had to give a quick interview from the car itself.

As soon as she got out of the car she went and jumped on her team, they were all cheering and patting her back.

“Double podium for Red bull again,” Christian hugged both his drivers. “Well done you two.”

Lando came over and congratulate Max before hugging Daniella. “See…no far there is no jinx,” he joked.

“But I am not taking any chances,” she laughed as they let each other go.

“I will see you after the podium celebration,” Lando gently hit his helmet with Daniella’s before heading to the McLaren garage.

She took off her helmet and drank her water.

“You really know how to defend your position,” Lewis said as he gave her a quick hug a patted her back. “Five more race, don’t think I am going to go easy on you.”

“I expect nothing but the best effort from Sir Lewis Hamilton,” Daniella joked, making Lewis smile.

“Amazing job today Daniella,” Toto came over and shook her hand. “You are really making us worried now.”

“Well I try my best,” she smiled.

Christian observed the interaction from a distance as many thoughts ran through his head, almost causing him to have a headache.

He was  little relieved as Lewis and Toto left and Pierre approached Daniella but they only shook hands and exchanged a few words.

“So..you are going to the party tonight?” Pierre asked with a smile on his face. He is happy to see Daniella enjoying her win.

“Umm.. Yeah, ” Daniella replied as she waved at the crowd who immediately went wild.

“Then I am looking forward to see you tonight.”


A/N: I feel bad for Pierre and almost tempted to make Daniella end up with him at last.

Also do you think there will be drama at the party or it will be drama free?

And thoughts about Texan Daniel?

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