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“Okay, which one?” Daniella stood in front of Lando hold two dresses. “Black one or red one?”

Lando lifted up his head and looked at the dresses.

“Don’t you have a orange or papaya dress? Lando asked, acting serious.

“Orange is not my color Lando,” Daniella explained. She has tried it but only ended up looking like a fruit.

Lando laughed as he walked over to her . “The black one…you will look hot in that one.”

Daniella smirked as she tossed aside the red dress.

Lando leaned in to kiss her but she turned her head.

“We need to get ready, otherwise we will be late,” she placed a kiss on his cheek and ran to the bathroom to get ready.


Lando and Daniella arrived at the party together. She was wearing her sparkly black dress and Lando was just in his jeans and white shirt with his sleeves rolled up. At first Lando thought he is a bit underdressed but Daniella assured him that he looks hot and handsome and he trusted her words.

“The love birds are here,” Daniella excitedly said as he walked over to the couple.

“Shhh,” Daniella put her index finger on her lips and pulled Daniel aside.

Lando looked around to see no one heard Daniel.

“Sorry, I forgot,” Daniel gave a guilty look. “But I am so glad you two are here, I thought you two would rather have a party of your own in your room, if you know what I mean.”

Daniella’s eyes went wide and cheeks turned red.

“Mate, are you drunk already?” Lando asked his teammate.

“Just a little bit,” Daniel winked. “But I am not going to disturbed you two anymore…there is the bar,” he pointed at the direction where some drivers are waiting for their drinks. “And there is the dance floor…enjoy.”

He went back to the dance floor and the couple sighed in relief.


Pierre froze as soon as his eyes landed on Daniella. He can’t help but look at her, but jealousy soon took over when he saw Lando next to her.

The duo was talking to Carlos, but soon separated as Mick took Daniella to get a drink and Lando stayed with Carlos.

“Tonight is your chance mate,” Charles patted Pierre’s back as he continued looking at Daniella.

Pierre nodded before finishing his drink in one gulp. He has made up his mind about confessing his feelings.


“I will be right back,” Daniella informed Mick as she showed her phone to him, her sister is calling.

“Okay,” Mick nodded. “I will be over there with Lance.”

Daniella smiled as she took her drink and walked outside.

“What is it Collins?” she answered her phone.

As Daniella talked to her sister on the phone Pierre came out looking for her.

“I will pick you up first thing in the morning, I promise,” Daniella told her sister who is not able to adjust properly st her uncle’s house. “I have to go now, bye.”

Daniella ended the call and let out a deep breath, before taking a sip of her drink.

“Hey,” Pierre approached her.

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