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Daniella was sitting at the corner of her living room, with laptop open and earphone plugged in. She is currently do an online interview along with Max. The interview was supposed to end about 15 minutes ago but Max had connection issues at the beginning which delayed the interview.

Lando who was sitting across the room was getting impatient. He pouted when Daniella indicated that it will take another 10 minutes for the interview to end.

"This question is for you Max," the interviewer said. "You were leading the championship until Silverstone but unfortunately you were not able to finish the race and now your Lewis is again leading the championship, with Daniella in second position, which pushed you down to third. What are your thoughts about that?"

"Umm like you said, what happened in Silverstone was unfortunate. I had a good car and was pretty confident to score good points but you know things like this happen sometimes, things that are out of our control," Max answered. "But I am happy for Dani, she has been fantastic so far and now only 2 points behind Lewis."

Daniella smiled, feeling somewhat proud of herself.

"Do you see her as competition?"

"Oh absolutely," Max laughed. "She has been my competition from day one of this season along with Lewis of course."

The interviewer shifted her attention to Daniella. "And Daniella, do you think you can beat Lewis and Max to become the first ever woman to win the F1 championship?"

"Wow, asking the tough question there." Daniella let out a nervous laugh. "It would be amazing to win the championship, but F1 is very unpredictable and Lewis is a 7 time world champ who has a lot of experience, and Max of course is amazing and very skilled so it will be very tough."

The interviewer nodded, satisfied with her answer.

"She is just being modest," Max laughed. "She knows she is capable of winning the championship."


The interview was finally over, and it definitely took much longer than expected. She shut off her laptop and went to get a bottle of water from the fridge. Lando who was waiting for her got bored so he went up to her game room to stream on Twitch.

She went up and open the door, finding Lando chatting with his fans.

"Hey," she softly said.

"Hey ba....El," he quickly corrected himself. "You done?"

Daniella nodded as she pulled the extra chair to join in.

"Look everyone, it's the rookie of the year," Lando laughed as he moved to the side to make space for his girlfriend.

Daniella let out a laugh before setting her eyes on the chat.

Why is Lando always at Dani's house?"

"Because he is a big baby who is scared of living alone."

"Hey don't take over my stream," he pouted, acting angry. "Everytime I stream here you come in and take over "

"Because this is my house Lando."

"But I set up this room."


Daniella's heart skipped a beat when she opened her email account. There was a new mail from Toto Wolff, the last person she expected to send her an email.

"You coming to bed?" Lando asked.

"Yeah, just give me a few minutes," she replied. "I just have to reply a few emails."

"Okay," he kissed her before going upstairs.

Daniella opened the mail and read it, it was a invitation to a meeting. Mercedes is interested in signing her as their second driver for 2022.

She re-read the mail a few times. This doesn't seem real. Everyone knows Toto has been very vocal about signing George Russell, so why is he asking to meet her and discuss the possibility of signing her.

Daniella would be lying if she says the offer is not tempting, to drive for Mercedes is huge. But Lewis signed for another 2 years and she knows she won't like if they order her to give up her position to him. She doesn't want to assist Lewis in winning races, she wants to win the races.

She decided it will be best to think about it the next day. After quickly replying to a few email she closed the laptop and went to bed.

Lando was already half asleep but as soon as she lied beside him his arm went round her waist and pulled her closer. They both said good night before falling asleep.


A/N: Do you think Dani should move to Mercedes?

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