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Daniella groaned as the chaos from downstairs woke her up. She tried to cover her ears with a pillow but it didn’t help. She sat up and looked beside her, Lando was not there, that means he is the one making all the ungodly sounds and woke her up.

“I am going to kill you,” she yelled as she got out of the bed.

Quietness fall as she exited the bedroom and went down stairs.

Lando and Max stood frozen in the living room.

“What are you two idiots doing?”

Lando didn’t say anything and just pointed at his friend, implying he was not the culprit.

“Umm..” Max felt his through suddenly go dry. “You said I could move it till the renovation in my house is complete.”

“I told you to move in, not destroy my house.”

Lando and Max looked around, trying to look innocent. Daniella has every right to be furious. Within ten minutes after stepping in the house both of them managed to knock out two vases with the suitcases and stepped on the white carpet with shoes on.

“It was all him,” Lando quickly pointed at Max and went to stand by his girlfriend.

“I want everything cleaned up before breakfast,” she said strictly. “Otherwise both of you will sleep out side.”

She turned and dragged herself to the kitchen.

“Where are you going?”

“To make break fast.”

“We better clean all this fast.”


“How about all three of us go out for lunch?” Max suggested as they finished their breakfast. “I will pay as an apology.”

“That’s really sweet and I don’t this a meal would cover up the prices of the antique vases but I can’t go for lunch today,” Daniella replied. “But we can go out for dinner.”

“Okay,” Max smiled. “I will book a table for us. But why can’t you go out for lunch?”

Before Daniella could answer Lando cut her off.

“She has a fitting appointment.”

“What appointment?” Max looked at them confused.

“Fitting appointment,” Lando tried to explain again. “You know, where they take your size and try to make a good fitting dress.”

Max nodded, not understanding half of it.

Daniella just let out a sigh as Lando sat down.

“But why do you need a good fitting dress or whatever it is?” Max looked at Daniella.

Once again Lando cut her off.

“Because she is invited to the Met Gala this year,” he said proudly and kissed her cheek.

Daniella smiled and pecked his lips. “I told you not to say a word regarding this.”

“Oops,” he looked guilty. “Don’t tell anyone about this to anyone Max.”

“Couldn’t if I wanted to,” Max stood up to go and unpack. “I barely have any idea what that is.”

As soon as Max left the couple alone Lando pulled Daniella closer and she sat on his lap.

“You need to learn how to keep secrets.”


A/N: Max has no issues with third wheeling.

And we might get a Dani x Lewis moment at the Met Gala.

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