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Monza was beautiful but Daniella was bored out of her mind. Lando hasn’t arrived yet, Myra sneaked off to spend some time with Nate and Max was with Kelly.

She had a couple of interview but they were over within an hour and now she has nothing better to do. Instead of waiting in her room and doing nothing she decided to go out, and maybe explore and spend some alone time before the race weekend starts the next day.

She grabbed her bag and mask, hoping the fans waiting outside won’t recognize her with her mask on.

She was almost successful in getting away from the fans without getting noticed until the Haas driver called out her name. And of course the fans started calling her too.

“Sorry,” Mick Schumacher apologized with a guilty smile when he realized what just happened.

“Of all the people it has to be you,” Daniella rolled her eyes as Mick joined her.

“Why?” he asked confused.

“Because its hard to be angry at you,” she smiled giving him a hug.

Mick smiled as he hugged her back, making the fans go crazy.

“You are going somewhere?”

“Yeah,” Daniella huffed. “I was bored and thought I would just go and explore a little bit by myself…but now I don’t think it will possible,” she pointed at the fans and paparazzis waiting outside.

“Sorry I ruined your plan,” Mick apologized again, then an idea came into his mind. “But how would you feel joining me and the Prema guys for lunch?”

“You sure?” Daniella asked, she doesn’t want to intrude and ruin their lunch.

“Yeah,” Mick threw his arm on her shoulders and took her to his car. “But fair warning, they are bunch of immature guys and Robert might try to flirt with you, that guy has a crush on you.”

Daniella chuckled as they got in the car. “That’s fine, I can handle immature, and I will just bro zone Robert.”

“The queen of put guys in the bro zone,” Mick laugh as he started driving the car. “That’s why you are still single.”


Daniella thought she was going to feel out of place or awkward but everyone was very welcoming and didn’t make her feel left out.

Just like Mick said, Robert Schwartzman did try to flirt with Daniella. Thankfully for her, Mick warned the Russian to stop if he doesn’t want to be bro zoned by her.

Robert immediately stopped flirting and the entire table laughed.

The lunch was wonderful and they mostly discussed about the upcoming race. But just as lunch was coming to an end Daniella’s phone started ringing, it was Lando. She declined the call and quickly sent him a text that she was out with Mick and will see him soon.

Lando immediately replied that he is in a different hotel and to call him back later.

“So Dani,” Robert smiled as they all got up from their chair to leave. “Can I call you Dani?”

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