- Chapter 4 -

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WARNING- sexual harassment and violence / Steamy scene xoxo

"Theres evil in the world, sooner you accept that, the sooner you can fight it."


"Hey Tiff!" His annoying voice really had a special place in my heart. I rolled my eyes waving at him slightly. "Ay! say hello to my boy he misses you!" He shouted.

I knew exactly what he meant and it slightly peaked my interest.

Walking in Aunt Mya was in the kitchen with Devon.. my favourite. In the living room making a mess was Milo, Liam and Ace. I hate everyone here but Ace. He was a beautiful specimen, tattoos covering his chest and arms, unlike Brad who seemed to only have a few on his arms and perhaps his back, curly blonde hair in tight coils unlike Brad's brown short cropped hair. Wait. Why am I comparing them.

"Hey beautiful." Ace stood up embracing me in a hug which I gladly returned, Milo and Liam exchanged looked before shouting out loud sex noises making Ace glare at them. They quickly shut up. "How are you?" He looked down at me with a slight smile on his face, but his eyes full of lust.

"I am good how are you?" I looked away from his gaze and at the television. He noticed and backed away.

"Fine." He said coldy. I forgot how much of a dick he is. "I am going to the mall want to come?" I was about to say no until I saw Devon noticing I was in the living room.

"Hey Ti-"

"Let's go." I grabbed his hand and dragged him out my house. He laughed as we got into his car while playing a few songs. I didn't know what they were but it was entertaining, he told me about New York and his parents who I was always close to.


"Tiffany get your ass back here!" He shouted through the entire mall making heads turn towards us. It was very embarrassing. I turned around giving him a very angry glare to which he laughed at. If his face wasn't so perfect I'd punch it.

"Shut up you prick!" I whisper shouted at him awkwardly shouting at people walking past. Thats when I noticed him walking past. In all his glory, denim blue jeans somehow making him look taller, armani sweatshirt and the trademark limited edition sneakers.

"Ahh, so you know him?" Ace had followed my gaze as it landed on Brad, this is what I hoped wouldn't happen. Ace likes to make a scene over everything and claim me as 'his' we fucked once and I am now apparently untouchable to any other man. He began to walk over when I grabbed his arm.

"I barely know him leave it." I tried to pull him away until he pulled his arm out of my grasp roughly. He looked at me angry and grabbed my shoulders. Before I could understand what happened he was kissing me. I tried to push him back but his hold on my shoulders made it impossible.

He stepped back with a large grin on his face, to which I slapped off with a hard connection of the palm of my hand to his face. I went to storm of before he grabbed my wrist, it hurt but I wouldn't show him that. I braced myself for if something was to happen until another hand grabbed Ace's wrist making him let go.

"Now that doesn't seem very friendly." Brad smiled letting go of Ace's wrist and thats when I noticed, Brad was actually quite a bit taller than Ace, and seemed stronger physicallly. I would be lying if I didn't think this was incredibly hot right now.

"Hey, why don't you back off we were having a moment weren't we?" Ace questioned me and I knew if I didn't give him the right answer he'd hurt Brad. I may not like him but I don't want him to get hurt.

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