- Chapter 1 -

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Tiffany Parker


Battery Park, New York

I stand in the middle of my luxurious office eyeing how it looks. White marble on every piece of furniture with accents of gold specs imbedded inside, my wood stained floors shining brightly from recently being polished, my oak wooden desk perched at the end of the room with my papers neaty placed ready for me to go through, my one-way windows allowing me to see what my employees are doing while they can not see or hear me.

It was beautiful, elegant even. I was dressed in a tailor fitted red suit with a black top underneath which was slightly low cut. My black trainers were noticable but I am the boss of a multi-millionaire company I don't think anyone cares about my shoes, plus their more comfortbale than those toe trappers we call heels.

I was startled by the ring of my phone and clicked the ear piece answering it not bothering to check who it was, if they wasted my time I would just end it.

"Hello?" I asked my finger still lingering ready to end it if I had to.

"Hey girl! I'm outside." Katies chirpful voice shouted louder than she had to. I smiled slightly and ended it, clicking the buzzer on my wall to allow her to enter. She englufed me in a brone crushing hug while her many shopping bags smacked me in the back. "I missed you." She dropped her bags staring at me as I admired her joy.

"You saw me yesterday." I said simply.

"Stop being an emotionless boss, anyways theres this concert back home in Cali want to come?" Katie picked up her bags and placed them on the table behind us before sitting down pouring herself some apple juice. At 25 years of age she was still a child.

"I don't know if I'll have time we have more demands now." I sighed. I loved my job, I worked in real estate and my companies job was to find houses, renovate them, and sell them. Long as we make more money than we spend on the house I am happy.

"You have people who can take over for a week." Katie stood up gesturing to the many people walking past my window. I know I had people to do this for me but this company was my baby. I left home at 18 and built this from scratch and 7 years later we are here.

"It has been 7 years since I went back, I don't know." I contemplated with myself. Katie moved closer pouting her lips as the child she was and I smiled at her reactions. I couldn't say no to her. "Fine, one week and I mean it." I stressed the one and started making calls on my phones to arrange my absence. Katie jumped about before showing me everything she had just bought.

"Home" was just a small town in California where me and Katie grew up, we went to school there and then once we finished senior year we both moved to the 'Big Apple'. I left since the mayors family were pricks, my favourite quote to describe them is "Wealth does not determine who you are, what you use it for does.". They made their only son purposely be horrible to me ruining my whole school experience, I don't blame him specifically but he's still a twat.

"Alright when do we leave?" I asked Katie packing up my laptop and any valuables I brought today. Katie turned around slowly and mumble something. "Speak up." I laughed nervously before seeing her take a deep breath. What the fuck has she done.

"Right now, the cars outside and I already packed all your stuff." She smiled brightly and I wasn't angry in the moment if anything I was thankful I wouldn't need to go pack myself. I nodded thanks and lead us out the door and into the black SUV parked at the front of my towering building.

"Parker." The driver nodded. I nodded back to him before entering with Katie near me. I couldn't remember his name but he's worked for me for about 2 years now. He is very reliable he has picked me up from more clubs than I can count. "Where too?" He asked from the front seat as we were buckling ourself in.

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