- Chapter 18 -

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also I apologise in advance for this don't hate me xoxo

I was nervous, not for his opinion but because he could ruin this all for me. She is my everything.

I felt her lean into my hold during the car journey and I trace my fingers up and down her thigh, mostly to calm me down. I did call back Andrew who is something of a friend in this whole situation.

I want to explain everything to her, to confess to my lie. I thought if she knew the truth she would hate me so I only told half but now I am worried she will
leave when I tell her I left stuff out.

Need to do this sooner rather than later before my father ruins it all opening his large mouth. I rolled
my eyes thinking about him and Tiff looked up at me with her beautiful eyes.

"I need to tell you something." I blurted out wanting to get this done as soon as possible so I didn't have to have this feeling in my stomach. The guilt of hiding things from her.

Her face immediately drops and she shuffles off my lap to the side of me, she smiles and gestures for me to carry on.

"I haven't told you the whole truth... about my past." I began thinking of where to start as she listens patiently. "I told you that I only recently joined the Mafia but knew about my father since I was a kid but that's not true, I technically joined at birth. My adoptive father he kept me from there as long as my father asked him too... until I was needed." I took in a deep breath as I see things processing in her mind.

"I started training back in high school freshman year, and I stayed in touch with my father and now that I am needed... I don't know when I will be able to leave." I released a shaky breath which she seemed to pick up on, a small smile reached her lips and she held my hand tightly.

"Brad, I'm not happy you lied to me but I understand why, and whether your practically a mafia leader or not... I'm still here." A large grin made its way to my face, it lasted an amazing second until we pulled up to the venue and I knew any emotional side of me could not enter there.

So I brought the most important person in my
life makes sense.

"A few rules and I'm sorry what this sounds like but it's dangerous." She nodded and I tucked a hair behind her ear studying her face. "You may talk to the wives of these men but please do not talk to the men by yourself, and it's sort of a speak when spoken to." By the way her face became one of disgust I knew she'd do something stubborn - this girl will be the death of me.

"And also if by any chance we are separated you are to stay with one of my men who I will introduce you too, I trust him a lot." I nodded and she rolled her eyes, I wait for her agreement to which she simply nods her head at. "Thank you."

I open the door and step out fixing my jacket, I help my girl out next and immediately eyes fall on her. But this isn't some whore i've brought like most of these guys, so I glare at them letting them know she's off limits to which they all immediately look away.

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