Imagine [17]

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Type: Fluff

Other: I have no idea what this is, but whatever

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He was cold, vicious, yet somehow he managed to capture her heart.

Y/n L/n wasn't evil, yet she was twisted, okay, so she was evil. She laughed when people begged for forgiveness, she loved watching people beg for their life.

Peter Pan and his Lost Queen were perfect for each other. Yes, Y/n was meant to become a Queen, though she ran, not wanting to rule the kingdom with a man she hated. She was only sixteen years old, going to marry a man in his thirties.

Y/n had saved Neverland, by convincing Henry that Pan needed his heart. The Girl had a charm to her, she had tricked the boy into believing Pan. Y/n L/n was a trickster.

The heroes had failed to save the boy in time, resulting in their deaths, all but Hook, who was free to roam the realm. Y/n had a soft spot for the pirate who helped her escape all those years ago. He was the only one she cared for outside her family, her Lost Boys.

Y/n was practising with Felix, their swords clashing as the other lost boys watched, eager to see the winner.

A gasp escaped Felix's mouth as he was pushed back, Pan taking over the battle. "Now, now, dear, surely you know better than to try battle my right hand." All the lost ones now cheered for Pan, causing the girl to growl. She wanted their applause, which she deserved.

She sliced his arm, causing him to growl. She was going harsh on him and he would not accept that. He used his magic to turn her sword to dust, before making them both teleport to his treehouse.

Y/n looked to Pan's eyes, the hint of mischief still there, despite the dried blood on his arm.

"You know better than to make me appear as if I am a fool," he hissed. She wouldn't appear weak to her King. She would stand her ground. "Unfortunately you did that to yourself."

The words escaped her mouth quickly before she had time to think of the consequences. If anyone else had said such things to him, they would be dead. Maybe not Felix, though the boy wouldn't disobey his king.

Pan let out a twisted laugh, while she smirked, unfazed by his laughter. They were both twisted, that's why they got along so well, that's why Pan allowed her to stay in Neverland all those years ago.

"You are truly the only one capable of making me want to kill and kiss them," Pan said, a smirk on his face. "You should feel honoured." "To be adored by the infamous Peter Pan is nothing more than a sick, twisted pleasure, one I adore," she replied.

The two would kill together, they'd kill for the other. They were the most powerful villains in all realms. They say opposites attract? That wasn't true in their case, they were so similar they were perfect for each other, perfect together.

"I don't despise you, though sometimes I wish I could," he mumbled. "I don't hate your presence either," she replied.

It was their way of saying 'I love you,' without saying those three words that made them appear weak, that showed them to have a weakness.

Love wasn't always a strength, sometimes it was a weakness, one enemies could use against them.

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So, I've caught Covid, which means I'm on bed rest for the next 11 days. I'll try write more if I have the strength.

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