Imagine [15]

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Type: Fluff

Other: The reader has bright aqua blue eyes, due to magical abilities.

Inspiration from Jar Of Hearts 

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I stood there, watching as he wooed her. It was always the same with Malcom, he would never settle down, in his mind he was still a child. 

Malcom was the love of my life, but I couldn't watch him as he shamelessly flirted with another woman. I had just given birth to our child and he treated me such a way, as if I was nothing but a common whore.

I'm ashamed of how I left him, how I didn't take my child with me. It was the most selfish thing I had ever done, I regret leaving little Rummy with my Husband, his father. I had left in the middle of the night, placing a kiss on the infant's head. I prayed to the lord that everything would be okay for the young child.

Oh how wrong I was.

~ * ~ 

Many, many years had passed, yet I somehow remained young. No, remaining young was incorrect, I seemed to have turned young, reverse back into my teenage self. It was disgusting.

When I arrived at Storybrooke, I was greeted with many faces, the one that hurt me most of all was Rumpelstiltskin. How could I not immediately recognise him? Easy, I did. He looked like a mixture of myself and his father, he was beautiful.

Rummy- I mean Rumpelstiltskin was furious, though soon he understood why I left. I was in a toxic relationship. He informed me of Malcom's many mistresses, or 'flings'.

He had a child of his own, Baelfire, a beautiful man, who also had a child, the chosen one. Henry had the heart of the truest believer, meaning he was in trouble.

I stood next to Killian Jones, also known as Captain Hook. He was a rather attractive man, anyone with half a brain could see it.

"You're a mystery, Y/n. You came from no where and there's not a thing about you," he said, causing me to chuckle. "I am a mystery young one. I came from the darkest days, where life was on the blink of destruction." I looked at the sea, watching as the waves crashed into each other, just like myself and Malcom.

Malcom had broken my heart, the tales of his betrayal made it harder for me to deal with the wounds that were once closed.

~ * ~ 

I was fighting against a child merely a year physically younger than me. I would not kill them, hurt them, yes, but not kill. The children didn't deserve the pain they received from following 'Peter Pan'.

The name was amusing, and coincidentally, I had once given Rummy a Peter Pan doll, one I made myself. It reminded me of Malcom's childish behaviour.

I had taken out roughly four of the children, knocking them unconscious. I was taken back as a boy with blonde hair started fighting me. "It's a pity he's got his hook in you," the tall blonde almost teased. "You'd be a good addition to the team." "I fight for the greater good, you fight for a bitter child," I snarled.

Our swords clashed with great power, my eyes glowing blue, before knocking him into a tree. It appeared that action alone caused everybody to stop fighting.

The tip of a sword was on my back, yet I felt no fear. I had my magic to use if needs be, though I would try my best not to. Magic was only to be used if there were no other options.

I closed my eyes, before tripping the person with the sword, knocking them to their feet. They quickly got up and tried attacking me, that was when we began our fight, one that had everyone intrigued.

"Leave the boy, leave my family alone," I hissed at the boy. "Your family?" He laughed. "They're my family just the same."

It was that moment that our eyes met. The moment the green of his eyes, met the blue of mine, I knew exactly who I was staring at.

Malcom was alive.

Malcom was a teenager, like me.

He stared at me in shock, unsure if I was a dream, or really in front of him. He went to touch me, only for my hand to slap him across the face. "I deserve that," he mumbled.

"You will return the boy to his family. He will be home, where he belongs and so will the rest of the boys," I hissed through gritted teeth. I would not allow Malcom's magic to manipulate the boys any longer. My magic was much more superior than his and I would stop him, whatever the cost. 

He wasn't sure what to do, what to say, though as my eyes began  to glow, his did too. I showed him all our memories, the times he had hurt me. I made him watch all the pain he had caused me, the times I had caught him cheating on me, how I would cry alone afterwards.

Malcom raised his hands and everyone disappeared, apart from the two of us. "Stay with me," he whispered. "Stay with me here. We can start over, we can rule together."

"You deserve to be alone, Malcom. You deserve nothing but misery." I started to walk towards the water, only to stop and look back one more time. "You hurt me too many times to beforgiven."

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How was this? Not sure if I like it or not.

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