Imagine [11]

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Type: Fluff

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She was evil, yet nice.

She was dark, yet light.

She was magical, yet not.

She made Pan feel things nobody, not even the mother of his child made him feel. He wasn't sure what to think of the girl at first.

He watched as she sharpened the weapons, running her finger a long the tip, watching as it bled.

He wanted to go over and heal it, yet knew she wouldn't let him. She was almost as stubborn as him.


Felix went over to the girl, taking some of the weapons that she hadn't sharpened yet. The two shared a talent, making weapons.

When a chuckle escaped Felix's mouth, Pan couldn't focus on anything else. He hated when people were close to Y/n, though the relationship, friendship between Felix and Y/n was strange. He was sure, at one point, they were dating, or fooling around, until he read Felix's mind.

Felix's eyes widened as blood dripped down Y/n's finger. Only it wasn't a drop, it was much more. She grabbed his arm, shaking her head, before dropping her weapon and walking away.

Luckily Pan was watching, he was always watching. He looked towards two of his older lost boys, Tony and Steven. The two boy's nodded their head, following the girl. Pan didn't even have to tell them what to do, they just knew.

After a couple of minutes, the two boys arrived back, both with blood on them. "Pirates."


Everyone gathered around Pan. Tony and Steven told everyone what happened, that Pirates had taken the girl, who seemed to struggle to fight back. She was injured.

Felix put his hand on Pan's shoulder. "We'll get her back." The leader scoffed, pushing the boy away. It was his fault and the boy would pay, just not yet. He couldn't get the girl without his best fighter.

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Y/n was tied to the bottom of the mast, a dirty cloth in her mouth. Hook continuously smirked at the girl. Y/n wanted to laugh at him, at his reason for taking her. He wanted to leave Neverland and she was his bargain. Foolish pirate.

"If Pan doesn't come for you, I have a special place for you," he told her. She rolled her eyes, disgusted at the pirate's words. Yes, she was seventeen, almost an adult and in many cultures she was an adult.

"Pan's no fool for keeping a treasure like you," he said as his hook ran down her cheek.

The cloth fell from her mouth, causing her to chuckle. "Foolish Pirate. You truly are naïve. Do you believe Pan would really come here for me?" she questioned. "If he did, do you believe he would reason with you after you took his property."

"You belong to Pan?" he questioned.

"Everything and everyone in Neverland belongs to Pan. We are forever indebted to him. Some are too foolish to realise he is our saviour. Others try challenge him. Neither have pleasant lives."

Y/n was stalling him, though his words were half true. Those who went against Pan would always face the consequences. She wouldn't defy him, challenge him to a degree, of course, but do something to deliberately defy him? She couldn't. She wouldn't. She cared too much for the boy.

She almost smiled as she felt Pan's magic against her skin. Yes, he produced an invisible protection spell, one that would stop any harm coming to the girl in the pirates tried to hurt her. It also healed the massive cuts on her finger and her hand.

"We are all our own people, that bloody demon cares for no one, not even his little toy," Hook sneered.

"Awe, Hooky, and here I am thinking we were friends," Pan's voice spoke.

All the pirates on the ship turned their weapons to the boy, or as Hook liked to call him, the demon. "Is this all necessary? Could you not just call out for me?" He questioned. "I would happily speak to you."

"I thought you might need some motivation." The Captain put his hook under Y/n chin, causing the girl to scoff. "She is rather beautiful. Perhaps you need some motivation." He went to put the hook through her skin, yet he couldn't, no matter how much force he used, it wouldn't work.

The Captain turned to Pan, his eyes wide. "What did you do?" "Let's just say I'm done playing nice," Pan said. He let out a whistle and the Lost boys appeared. Y/n watched as the boys fought the pirates, some getting cuts, none seriously injured.

Surprisingly Pan didn't go for the Captain, Felix did. Pan went over to Y/n, grabbing her and bringing her to camp, where they were three older Lost Boys and the younger boys. He disappeared once more.

Only twenty minutes later, the boys returned, Pan chuckling as he pushed Felix. The two boys went their separate ways. Felix went to sit with the weapons, while Pan went over to Y/n. He gently grabbed her arm, checking for any marks.

"You do know-"

She was cut off as Pan placed a kiss on her forehead. She wasn't sure what that meant, but it was strange, even for him.

"What was that?"

"You constantly prove your loyalty, yet you are merely a girl" he started. Y/n went to speak but he shook his head. "I'm not done."

"You prove yourself just as powerful as the other Lost Boys, if not more. You remain Loyal, remain strong, despite your hand covered in blood, which you should've told me about, instead of going to clean it. You are Evil, yet have such a caring nature. You're dark, yet make the day bright. You make me feel weak, despite having no magical abilities."

"Thanks for the compliments but where are you going with this?" Y/n asked.

"Close your eyes," he told her and she listened. She had no reason not to trust him.

Pan was hoping Felix was right, that she felt the same way for him, else he wouldn't know what to do. He pressed his lips against hers in a soft kiss. She opened her eyes, shocked that Pan would do something like that.

She pushed him away, causing him to curse under his breath. "Where did you find me the day you saved me?" she questioned. He looked at her confused, nevertheless, he still answered. "You were running away from the church. Your parents were forcing you to marry-"

Y/n had heard enough, she pulled him into another kiss, one more passionate. He was shocked, though kissed her back with as much force.

They pulled apart, Y/n's forehead against his. "I had to make sure it was really you-" "So you asked a question only I knew the answer too," he finished. She smiled as she nodded her head.

She would always protect Pan, he was her leader, the King of Neverland and now, her boyfriend.

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