Imagine [7]

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Type: Angst

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They said he was evil, they couldn't be more right. I was locked in the cage for another day, the days never seemed to end. I wanted to break out and kill him. Unfortunately he cuffed my wrist, making me unable to use my magic.

I would get out, I would hurt the evil bastard that trapped me here.

"Now, now, those thoughts are why you were put here. You seem to wish to hurt me with every fibre of your being," the wicked voice of Pan spoke. "I didn't want to hurt you."

"You just wanted to hurt my brother," I sneered.

Pan laughed as he leaned against my cage. "Yes, I did hurt him. Will I apologise? No, he deserved it." "He's just a boy!" I yelled. He shrugged, "So am I."

"No, Peter Pan, you are no boy. You are a demon and one day, you will met your match," I told him.

He laughed as he leaned down so he was looking directly in my eyes. "I can and will defeat anyone who tries to hurt me. I will never be defeated. Peter Pan never fails," he said, a smirk on his face.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I recalled recent events. "You do fail, Peter Pan, you failed to capture Henry's heart."

A gasp escaped my mouth as I felt a tight force around my neck. Peter Pan was choking me with his magic. He would try to kill me, yet he would fail, he would always fail.

"You truly believe I won't kill you?" he hissed. "You were- were supposed to-to love me," I stuttered. He let out a chuckle as I felt the air return to my body. I gasped loudly, catching my breath.

"I do not love. Not even true love can change that."

He looked at me once, before walking away. If I cannot escape, I will kill myself, that way he can feel the pain of losing a true love. I was starting believe I wasn't his true love, though Pixie dust, unlike Pan, never lies.

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Peter Pan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now