02| Hurt

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Aria Blue POV:

She was shot and killed during her shift.

Those words have been repeating themselves in my head for the past week. My mom's manager, Lyla, was the one to tell me. She said that they couldn't find out who killed her because all security cameras froze around the time of her death.

I can confirm that because I hacked into the system myself.

People have been coming to my house everyday, bringing flowers and giving me their condolences, making sure I'm alright and that I have everything I need. It's sweet and all but I don't want nor need it. I kick them out ten minutes after them being here and burn the flowers after they leave.

Putting up a smile when everything goes to hell has always been my specialty. My mother was the only one who could see through the act but everyone else, their as gullible as it comes so it's not much of a trouble to make them believe I'm okay.

Little do they all know, I'm mentally drained and I feel like ending it everyday.

The only reason I'm able to get up and out of bed, take care of myself and continue my life, is because first, my mother would come back from the dead and beat my ass if I just sat there and let myself mope around. Even for her own death she would yell at me to get up and continue with my life. And secondly because of the anger inside me.

I won't allow myself to just sit there while the person who murdered my mother gets to walk free. So everyday I work on finding out who did it and I swore to myself that once I find out who it is, I will make sure to shatter their heart like they did mines, then kill them in cold blood like they did my mother.

People say there are five stages to grief and I've been through them all.
1) Denial
When Lyla knocked on my door and told me she was dead.
2) Anger
When she left and I broke everything in arms reach.
3) Bargaining
The next day when I went through every possibility trying to find a meaning for it all.
4) Depression
When it finally had hit me that day when I waited up all night for my mother to get home.
5) Acceptance
The third day when I came to terms that my mother was killed.

I've accepted the fact that she's gone, that someone killed her, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to let it go. So there's still one rule that I've added that I've yet to succeed.


And that's what's been getting me up out of bed these past couple of weeks. The fact that I will get vengeance for my mother. That I will hurt the one that killed her and those involved in the worst ways imaginable then send them to be with their dead relatives.

I'm sure if people knew what went through my head I'd be sent to a mental institution but I couldn't care less.

Nobody understands the hurt I'm going through. Having my best friend, the person who not only gave me life but made it worth living, taken from me in the blink of an eye.

They all knew me and my mom had a bond that was unbreakable, but nobody knew how it came to that.

I didn't just come out the womb and say "Hey mommy were best friends!" No, I actually pushed away my mother for the first 11 years of my life. I was hurt at the fact that my father just up and left without an explanation and once I could actually understand that, I locked myself away. It wasn't anything my mom did, in fact she did everything she could to give me a life that I would enjoy. She filled in where my father should've. She wore both pants in the parenthood and she made sure I had everything I wanted. At age 12 is when I actually started letting her in and god was it the best choice I ever made. She was there for everything I achieved, she was supporting me with every choice I made, she molded me into the women I am now, and she picked me up and placed me back on my feet when everything went to hell for me at age 15.

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