30| Hollowness

773 15 23

Warning: sexual assault, rape, and self-harm ahead!!

It's been three days.

How do I know you might ask. Because I figured out that Viktor comes in everyday to ask me questions about Dante -which I answer with idiotic answers- and than Viper comes in later and quietly observes me.

Weird. I know.

I've gotten many blows to my face to where I'm pretty sure I have a black eye. My lips are cracked and my arms hurts from the amount of times I've tried to break myself free from these restraints. I've been throwing up every day -usually when I wake up- but Viper always sends someone in to clean it up.

Weird again. I know.

Viktor gave me water, said he didn't want me to die of dehydration before he gets what he wants. Whatever that might be.

I would be petty and spit the water in his face if I didn't need it so bad.

My days pretty much consists of waking up to having to throw up, Viktor coming in a while later and starting his interrogations -which leads to me getting multiple blows to the face- than him leaving when he gets nothing and me going back to sleep only to be awaken later when Viper comes in. Him silently watching me while I make sarcastic comments to his face. Than, him leaving and a maid or servant, whatever they are, coming in to silently clean up my vomit before I head back to sleep.

Life of being kidnapped is so fun.

I think they all think I'm crazy from how many times I laughed in Viktor's face when he hit me.

I don't laugh because I find it funny -well I kind of do but that's besides the point- I laugh because I know once I get out of here I will make him pay for it.

Asshole messed with the wrong bitch.

Leaning my head against the wall, I hear the door to my lovely room open and I know Viktor has arrived.

Just this time, there's more than two footsteps.

Opening my eyes, I see Viktor making his way over to me with a angry expression while a group of men follow behind him.

Fucking minions I swear.

"You seem upset. Did you finally look at your reflection?" I ask as Viktor comes to a stop in front of me.

He grabs the chair and sits down before leaning awfully close to me. "I'm not in the mood for anymore of your games. You're going to talk and you're going to talk now." he says and I try my best to keep my laughter in.

I don't give up one of my own. Not even for the devil himself.

"You got a couple more gray hairs coming in." I say as I look at his beard.

He slaps me across the face causing my head to whip to the side. "Where is Dante's main warehouse?" he seethes.

Looking back to him, I put on a thinking expression. "Im pretty sure you take a left down the street, than another left, than turn right up your ass." I say and I smile once a scowl takes place on his face.

Leaning my head to the side before he can hit me, my smile grows bigger when I feel his fingers barely slid over my cheek.

"You bitch." he spits as he forcefully grabs my hair and sends a punch to my skull.

I roll my eyes, trying to hide the fact that that punch actually hurt. "You're vocabulary isn't that big." I say as he pushes my head back causing it to bang into the wall.

Damn, I'm about to come out of here with no damn brain cells AND a concussion.

He says something in Russian to one of his men and they nod their head before walking out of the room.

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