32| My Angel

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Aria Blue POV:

Unfortunately, I awaken a couple hours later. My head is still pounding, my wrist hurt behind my back but I can feel no more blood dripping from them, and the pain in my stomach has lessen down.

But not the pain in my heart.

I'm drained. Emotionally, physically, and mentally drained and I don't know how much longer I can stay here. I was so determined to find a way to escape, to not wait on Dante to come in and be the hero but now, the latter is all I have left.

I look down to the pool of blood by my side and I feel a new set of tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

My baby, my angel, taken from me all to fast.

It takes a lot to get me to this point. To the point where all fight leaves my body and I want nothing more than to end it all right then and there.

And the events that happened to me today, got me there.

I silently cry until the tears are no longer there. Until my body numbs itself from all the pain in the outside, and all on the inside. Until I make one last promise. To my baby, and to me.

The next time I see Viktor, will be the last time he ever takes a breath.

I won't all myself to sit here and cry while my baby is somewhere up above watching me. Watching me do nothing for their death. Slowly giving me strength to do what needs to be done.

To give myself closure with their murderer being dead, and to keep the rest of my loved ones safe.

So I push myself into a sitting position and struggle against the wire around my hands. Feeling that their not as tight, I dislocate my thump and wiggle my hand out.

The pain doesn't hit and for that I am grateful for.

Popping my thumb back into place, I bring my now free hands to my front and begin seeing if I could undo the chains around myself foot.

Looking around the room to see if there's anything that could help me, I see a small pocket knife laying a couple feet in front of me.


Pushing myself up to my bear knees, I begin crawling over to it and when my restraints pull me back. I lay on my stomach and push my arm as far as it would go.

When my finger brushes over the key ring attach to the end of it, I push my hand further out and I let out a sigh of relief when I hook it around my finger.

Going back to my spot before, I open the knife and stick it into the hole of one of the cuffs. Wiggling it around, I drop my head when I feel a click and the cuff slightly loosens around my ankle.

Doing the same thing to my other foot, I hear a click the I bring the knife to my other hand that is still wrapped in the wire, and cut it loose.

I bring the wires behind my back and sit back. I sit back and wait for him to walk in and come close enough for me to get my revenge.

I may not have been able to get vengeance for my mother, but I will get it for my baby.

I close my eyes and count. I put all my focas in my council and I ignore everything else.

That is until I hear the door open.

I keep my eyes shut, my hands clench around the knife behind my back as I listen to his footsteps come closer.

"Ready to talk." he says as he grabs the chair and drags it across the floor.

I slowly peel my eyes open, putting up the facade that I don't have any energy left. I blink once, twice, focusing my vision.

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