05| Stormy

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Aria Blue POV:

"Ari you dumb mother fucker, it's right behind you." Crew says walking behind me.

Turning around, I'm about to tell this fucker that I checked there when he grabs the case and shoves it into my hands.

"Are you blind? Because I'm pretty sure you walked up and down this isle about twenty times looking for that."

Smacking him in the head with the case, I turn around and place it in the cart. He chuckles while walking to where he's in front of the cart.

Bad idea.

Pushing the cart forward, I ram the front of it into his calves causing him to spin around and send me a glare. I give him a innocent smile and shrug my shoulders "I didn't see you there, sorry."

He grabs the front of the cart and shoved it back causing the back to ram into my stomach. "I didn't see you there, sorry." he mimics with a shrug of his shoulders.

"You mother-"

"There you are. I've been looking for you guys." Enzo says as he walks into the isle.

Crew turns around and gives him a quick kiss before saying "Fucking Ari walked up and down this isle about twenty times and couldn't find the damn case when really, it was right behind her."

I roll my eyes. "Listen shithead, I didn't even know what the fucking shit looked like in the beginning because SOMEONE didn't show me a picture."

"Bitch I told you we were looking for a CASE. How the hell do you not know what a case looks like." Crew says turning back to me.

"What kind of case? A phone case? Tablet case? You gotta be more specific idiot."

He throws his arms up dramatically. "Aria what the hell did we come here for? A damn laptop. Wouldn't it make sense to get a laptop case?"

"Kids stop your arguing before I grab that case a shove it up both your asses." Enzo says with an amused smirk on his face.

I stick my tongue out and Crew while he flips me off and grabs the cart. Before he can get away, I run to the front of the cart and hop in.

Giving him a innocent smile, he rolls his eyes and goes to the back of the cart and starts pushing us to the direction Enzo went.

It's been two weeks since the night we went to the club. I've gotten extremely more closer to the boys and I love hanging out with them because they distract me from everything that happened to my mother. Don't get me wrong, I'm still on the hunt for her murderer, I just need a break here and there and the boys are a lot of fun to hang around.

They both know that my mother recently past away because one day, I was talking about my 14th birthday party and how my mom gave me 14 shots for my 14 years of living and they said they wanted to meet her.

Me being me, I said 'She dead as hell'.

But other then that, they dont know anything else that's personal. I've gotten to know them though and I found out they're both only child's.


So my hunt for my mother's murderer has be slowly progressing. I found out it's a he and he actually lives in Florence, which is where I live. Other then that, I have nothing else.

It's kind of hard to find a murderer when they killed in a whole other country.

I've found out that when I'm around Crew and/or Enzo, I can find sleep. It's never more then an hour, but it's better then nothing.

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