08| Little Bear

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Domenico De Raíz POV:

I walk out of the apartment complex at the same time when Angelo calls my phone again.

Letting out a annoyed groan, I answer. "What?"

"Domenico where the hell are you?"

"Angelo I'm 19 years old stop acting like my dad for fucks sake." I say as I begin walking down the street.

I hear cries in the background causing me to pause mid-step.

I'd recognize those cries anywhere.

"I'm not acting like your fucking dad. Have you not seen the messages I sent you or were you to busy fucking the girl that picked up your phone earlier?"

My hand grips my phone a little tighter. "Angelo you have no idea about what I was doing now stop your accusations and tell me why I hear Aurora crying in the background." I say deathly calm.

Her cries get louder and I hear Angelo let out a sigh "They took Cecilia. Lorenzo came to mom's house and blurted it out in front of Aurora earlier then lost his shit and took out his anger on her. He stormed out way before I got here but Aurora has been balling her eyes out ever since. Domenico, I know you haven't shown your face around her since she was two but no one can calm her-"

"I'm on my way." I say then cut the line.

Shit I always walk everywhere and their house is a thirty minute walk.

Fucking hell.

I turn around and make my way back to Aria's apartment. Knocking on her door, it takes her a minute but I finally see her as the door opens.

"What ha-"

"Can you drive me somewhere?" I ask cutting her off.

She looks behind her and following her gaze, I see a man sitting on her couch.

I couldn't give two shits about him.

"Crew, I gotta step out."

He adjusts himself that way he could see through the door and although he can't see my face due to my hood, I could see his.

He nods his head and Aria grabs her phone and keys from the table before sliding on some fluffy crocs and stepping out the door.

Locking it behind her, we make our way down to the parking lot.

We get into her all black hellcat and I tell her the directions to Angelo's mom's house and we're off.

Angelo is going to kill me for that but it's the fastest way I could get to the house.

Closing my eyes, I lean my head back against the head rest as we drive the first 15 minutes in silence.

"Are you okay?"

Looking over to her, I see her watching me intently from the corner of her eye.

She reminds me so much of her.

The girl that I gave my all to, that helped me when hell took over my life, that stood by my side when I became my worst self, that not only showed me what it was like to love but loved me just as hard as I loved her.

That was taken from when without a seconds thought.

But I don't feel that love that I felt for her when I'm with Aria. I feel this urge to protect her, to make sure she's okay and safe but it's not what I felt for Alissa. What I felt for Alissa was something that I could only ever feel once in one lifetime. Something that I didn't deserve but still was able to experience. Something that held me together but broke me apart. She kept me ground and became my world, engraved herself into my very well being and became the peace in the hell I call my mind.

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