34| My girl

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Dante Angelo Romano POV:

When I hear fall into a steady rhythm, I gently take her head off my arm and place it on the pillow. Sliding out of bed, I grab my phone from my nightstand and make my way out of the room.

Walking down the stairs, I quickly make my way to the gym which I find empty.

Thank fuck.

I rip my hoodie over my head before throwing it to the bench along with my phone then making my way over to the punching bag.

I punch and I punch hard. I let every feeling I've felt over the past week out into my punches as I beat the punching bag weak.

I killed her mother and she found out. She hid herself from me because she didn't know how to handle it.

That was the first time I hurt her.

She was kidnapped because she was associated with me. Because she meant so fucking much to me she was kidnapped and beat.

That was the second time I hurt her.

Then, she was raped in hopes it would get her to talk about me. To give information that would be vital to help bring me down and destroy my kingdom. She had her consent ripped from her as he forced himself into her while he had his men watching.

That was the third time I hurt her.

And last but definitely not least, she had a miscarriage because the asshole decided to stomp on her stomach. She went through that pain, not to mention alone, because he wanted to get to me.

That was the fourth time I hurt her.

She was carrying a child, my child and it was taken from us before we even got to hear it's first heartbeat and I don't know what hurts more. The fact that this all happened because she was associated with me, or the fact that my child was in her stomach as he stomped on it.

I was going to be a father. She was going to be the mother of my child and I didn't know how much I wanted that until now. We were going to be parents and even though I'm sure none of us were ready, it still hurts knowing that I failed them both in not being able to protect them.

I knew if I brought her into this world she would be the target for the dangers the revolve around it but I still did it. I was to selfish to let her go that I brought her into my world and look where it got her.

In pain. Worse pain that I could imagine.

And look where it got me. When I finally let someone in, let someone see behind the mask, see the real Dante, they get put through this. They get put through the worst shit possible because I let them in. Because I cared about them to much to let them ago.

This is exactly what I was scared of and it takes a lot to scare me. Having the girl I love being put through unimaginable amount of pain just because she met the slightest bit to me. I was scared it would happen and my worst fears came true and fuck if I could go back to the night I saw her at the bar I would.

I would've never gotten involved with her life if it meant she would be safe.

That she wouldn't have to suffer through this.

I would've suffered every single thing bad this world had to give if it meant she would be safe. That she would be living a life full of happiness and joy.

Even if it meant I wouldn't have been the cause of those things.

Because I'm a disease. I infect those I care about and I only bring pain. She's a perfect example of this. Ever since I've brought her into this life, I've brought her nothing but trouble, pain, tears, and anger.

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