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Aria Blue POV:

It's been a whole two weeks.

Two weeks and Viktor has done absolutely nothing. Two weeks that Dante has been bending me over anytime we're alone and driving me over the edge over and over again.

And when I say anytime we're alone, I mean anytime. He bent me over his office desk 5 minutes before he had a meeting.

Was it fast? Yes, but did we both cum? Mhm.

Every time he fucks me, the next day I wake up to a bouquet of 7 white roses and 5 red ones.

Lets just say I'm running out of places to put them.

Dante has slowly been feeling more comfortable with me being out of the house but Matteo or Dom is always with me.

It's mostly Matteo because Dom has been busy with some other shit.

Dante has continued his work on finding the jackass and he has been running around like a manic trying to make sure everything is okay for me to go out and I'm always safe.

He's stressed out to say the least.

Today I'm going back to my apartment for the day and me and Dom are finally going to put the last pieces together in our murder investigation.

It took almost four months but that's besides the point.

I really just want to find out who killed her and make them suffer then be over with it. I really do enjoy my life here in Italy but finding my mom's murderer was the sole reason I came here and I'm not planning on backing down.

Not when I have one last piece missing.

Dante still doesn't know about the whole murderer situation and I plan on keeping it that way. I know if he were to find out he would keep me in this house to prevent me from doing anything rash and that would lead to argument that I don't want to have.

So I'm currently eating breakfast with Dante before I have to go upstairs and begin getting ready for the day.

I know me and Dante actually eating breakfast together? I was shocked too when I woke up and found myself still in his arms.

"What's going on in that head of yours?"

I look over to Dante who's taking a sip from his glass of orange juice. Giving him a smile, I shake my head and stuff a piece of pancake in my mouth.

Lyra's pancakes are to die for.

"I was think we could be to the movies when you get back and we could watch that horror movie you've been wanting to see." he says as he continues to play with my bracelet.

I nod my head and finish the food in my mouth. "I would love to. Oh I almost forgot. I got you something."

Reaching into the pocket of my sweats, I pull out a black tiny box. Sliding it to Dante, I watch as he furrows his eyebrows in confusion and looks at it as if it's about to blow up.

"Did you put a bomb in it?" he asks as he looks up to me.

I let out a light laugh and snatch my arm away from his grasps. Motioning for him to open it, I almost choke on my orange juice as I watch how slow and suspiciously he opens it.

When he finally does get it open, I watch as he grabs the package from the box and looks at me in confusion.

"You're always playing with my bracelet so I thought I'd get you one to match. If you don't like it I could return it." I say as I bring some eggs up to my mouth.

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