18| Protective

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Aria Blue POV:

It's not Saturday and I'm finishing up getting ready that way I can go visit Enzo and Crew.

They go back earlier this morning so I decided to let them sleep in before I make my way over there knock on their door like a madwomen before they let me in.

It's been a week since the little incident at the garden happened and lets just say...it's been repeating in my head ever since.

He fingered me in front of the whole city.

Like, I know nobody could've seen us but still. He is an expert with his fingers

Nothing has happened between us since then. I think he wants to take things slow with me but that incident at that garden definitely wasn't slow.

Not that I don't mind.

We ended up leaving the garden way past dark and Dom scolded me like a father when I got home.

Apparently, he had called my phone 8 times while we were out.

Other then that, everything has been moving smoothly. Me and Dom are only a couple pieces away to finding the murderer of my mother and to say I'm getting impatient is a understatement.

Viktor is still hiding like a little pussy and Dante found out that it was Javier that attempted to steal the three crates from him.

He was pissed.

They're now in two wars. One with the Russians and one with the Mexicans and honestly, I just lay back in bed and watch Netflix or read most of the day.

Dante took me down to the gun range in this house earlier this week and taught me a little more on how to us a gun.

He now makes me carry one everywhere I go and that piece of shit is like a brick in my purse.

Matteo has also changed over the past week.

Everywhere I go, if Dante or Dom aren't by my side, he walks with me and makes sure I have no trouble with any of the men.

He even started talking to me a couple days ago.

I've gone with Dom a couple times to go see Aurora when the dumb 1 and dumb 2 -Lorenzo and Cecilia- weren't at the house. Me and Adreanna have been growing closer and she's starting to remind me of my own mother.

Which hurts like hell because every time I see her I'm reminded of my best friend and that wound is still fresh. 

I learned that Enrico has grown a liking to me as well.

Every time I went over, when I'm not talking to Adreanna he would make conversation with me and there was this one incident where Lorenzo had gotten there while I was there and he started making unwanted moves on me. Enrico threatened him and said 'If you don't get up and walk away you won't be having any feet to walk on.'

Lorenzo scurried away not 20 seconds later.

Aurora is always attached to my hip when I'm there and I think Dom is getting a little jealous.

That little girl is adorable.

I walk out of the closet and jump a little when I see Dante laying in bed on his phone.

"I thought you had a meeting." I say causing his eyes to snap to my direction.

He's about to speak when his eyes roam up and down my body and the darken.

Im wearing a black see through stripped shirt with a black bra-let under, black jeans paired with a belt and my black boots I love so much.

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