11| Holy fucking kazoonshits

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I wake up in a dark room with Stormy laying right beside me on a pillow.

Um why is this room so dark?

Looking around, I see that I'm on what looks like a king size bed with black velvet comforters over my body. I see a 65 inch tv hanging on the wall besides the bed but other then that, I can't make out the rest of the room.

Getting up, I feel around the walls for a door and when I come to one, I open it to find it a bathroom. Switching on the light, I close the door behind behind and turn to the counter to find a black bag and a fresh tooth brush on top of it.

Unzipping the bag, I find a couple sets of my underwear and bras along with sweats and a couple of shirts with socks.

Did he bring some clothes from my house?

Shaking my head, I grab the toothbrush and begin washing my teeth alone with my face with my face wash that was also brought for me. Hopping into the fancy ass shower, it takes me a couple of minutes to figure out how to work it but I eventually got it.

Or I build a bomb. We'll find out one way or another.

I take a shower and step out and do my usual things before putting on a set of clothes and heading out of the room.

With Stormy right behind me, I make my way down the stairs where I hear chatter.

This isn't the house I was at last time.

I step off of the last step just as a group of men round the corner.

Their all three times if not four times taller then me and muscular but the one at the corner has tattoos on his head. Most have raven hair and the others have light brown.

"Well who might you be?" the man in the middle asks as he takes a step closer to me.

Taking a step back, Stormy walks in front of me while I say "Your mom."

He takes another step closer causing Stormy to growl "Shes dead." he says.

"I resurrected bitch." I say and I smile to myself as a scowl takes place on his face.

He takes another step closer causing Stormy's growls to grow louder and me to take another step back. A man to his left takes a step forward and places a hand on his shoulder. "Gio leave her be." he says as he looks at me warily.

He shrugs off his hand and takes the remaining steps closer to me but before he can do anything, Stormy jumps and bites his leg and I'm pulled behind someone's back.

"Touch her and I swear to the devil himself it will be the last thing you ever do." I hear Dom say as he takes a step toward this Gio dude.

Stormy sits down beside me and when I look down at the Gio's leg, I see blood dripping under his pants.

Stormy understood the assignment and went for extra credit.

Looking back up, I see that most of the men have stepped back with wary looks on their face with the rest, including Gio, stand there with an ignorant smirk on theirs.

"Are we threatening one of our own Domenico? I'm pretty sure boss wouldn't like that now would he?" Gio asks as he takes a step closer to Dom.

Dom takes another step forward but before he could say something, I feel a muscular arm wrapped protectively around my waist and I hear a deep husky voice say "Boss wouldn't like what?"

No touch bitch.

Looking up, I see Dante sending daggers to Gio.

Gio's smirk only grows while he says "Domenico over here said if I touch the whore over there" he says gesturing to me "that it'll be the last thing I do."

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