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Dante Angelo Romano POV:

I walk up to Aria's apartment door to find it already open.

Fucking idiot.

Opening it all the way, I quietly make my way inside to find Giovanni making his way to Aria's bedroom door.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." I say, making my presence known.

Closing the door behind me, I watch as his hand freezes on the door handle to her room and his whole body tenses up.

Looking around the apartment, it looks normal but I know better and I know that he has been searching through it.

I lean back against the door and wait for Giovanni to turn it around and when he does, fear is evident on his face.

"Mind telling me what you were doing here Gio?" I say hiding the anger that is currently growing under my skin.

He switches from leg to leg and finds the table to my left quiet interesting. "I was, I was-just, um looking if she was home." he says.

I let out a humorless laugh and lock the door behind me. Taking out a throwing knife that's tucked into my belt, I'm reminded of the day Aria asked for them and threw them as if it were the easiest thing in the world.

Looking back up to Gio, I push myself off the door. "You're going to have to do better then that." I say as I take a step in his direction.

He looks up to me and when he sees the knife in my hand, his hands start to shake.

"Boss I-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Don't give me the fucking bullshit Gio. You're the fucking captain of my men. The same men you're supposed to be leading on a fucking mission to get Cecilia back so tell me, and I want you to look me in the eye when you do, why the fuck you were searching Aria's fucking home." I say my anger evident in my voice.

He doesn't say anything but when I take another step forward, he backs away and begins speaking. "Matteo sent me."

I raise my eyebrow at him so he continues. "He doesn't trust her, boss, neither of us do so he sent me to search her apartment to see if there's anything out of the ordinary."

My fist clench around the knife. "I don't give a fuck if you guys don't fucking trust her. I gave everyone direct fucking orders to leave her alone. She has the Russian mafia looking for her because she was found with me. You guys have barely known her for two fucking days of course you're not going to fucking trust her but that doesn't give you the right to follow orders especially when their not fucking mines."

I take another step forward but this time, he takes one forward as well. "You invited her into our home, Dante what do you exp-"

"I EXPECT YOU TO FOLLOW MY FUCKING ORDERS!" I yell losing patience. Calming myself down, I continue "You work for me, not for Matteo not for the previous king, ME. This is my mafia and that house you guys call home? I bought that. I gave you all a fucking home and when I open it up to someone who's now apart of this shit because of me, this is how you guys treat her? First you came at her when she made it clear she wasn't interested then you search her home? The place she feels comfortable in? And you call me boss. Nothing else."

"Boss-" he's cut off with my knife flying through the air and engraving itself in his abdomen.

He winces the slightest but hides it and takes a step back.

I close the distance for us and send my fist flying to his face. Punch after punch, I let out a built up anger and he stands there and takes it.

Sending one last blow to his face, I take out the handkerchief I have in my jacket and wipe my knuckles that are full of his blood.

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