33| A broken queen and a troubled king

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Dante takes me up to our room as he keeps me tucked into his chest protectively. Opening the door to our room, he kicks it close with his foot and takes us to the bathroom.

"Can I bathe you?" he asks as he places me down on the counter.

I look down at my hands, not being able to hold his gaze and reluctantly nod my head.

I watch as he begins reaching out to my hands before thinking better of it and turning around. Starting the bath, he puts in some bubbles before turning around and making his way back to me.

"Arms up." he says and mustering up whatever strength I have left, I bring up my arms and allow him to take off the oversized white hoodie that is full of blood and dirt.

Once it's off, I drop my hands back around my stomach protectively and I feel tears threaten my eye when I remember there's nothing there to protect anymore.

He gently picks me up and places me inside the warm water. I allow him to wash me, to see all the bruises and cuts around my body but never allowing him close to my stomach. I keep my arms tucked around it, shielding it from him like I wish I did with Viktor.

Or maybe I'm just wishing this was all a dream and I still had my baby in there.

He washes my hair, massaging my scalp and making sure to go extra gentle on the bump I have there, before pouring water over it and conditioning it. He then grabs a rag and pours some of my body wash on it before rubbing it over my neck and shoulders then down my back.

"Baby, I need your arms." he says when he sees Im not going to unwrap them from around my stomach.

I shake my head and squeeze my eyes shut to stop the tears threatening to spill.

"Okay, lean back that way I can get your legs." he says and I do.

I rest my head against the top of the tub and look up at the roof as he washes my legs. He's nothing but gentle, understanding, and caring which makes the guilt intensify. The guilt of not being able to protect his child from the damage that was done to me.

He places my legs back in the water and I feel his hands rest on top of my. "Baby?" he asks and I hear the worry in his voice.

"I can't." I brokenly after much hesitation. I hear him move over to where I rest my head then his face comes in view and it takes everything in me not to turn away.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asks and I cringe at the worry in his voice.

"I-" I start but am cut off by a sob escaping my mouth. He gently lifts my head off the tub before getting in fully clothed and with shoes. Placing my head back on his chest, I rise my knees up to my chest and cry.

I cry and I cry while he doesn't nothing but sits there and comfort me. Everything comes back as the numbness wears off and I want nothing more than for it to come back. It all hurts more than I expected and I'm not sure if I can handle it.

My sobs get louder and I squeeze my stomach tighter. How do I feel the lose of someone so deeply when I didn't even know it was there?

My body shakes as sobs take over my body. I feel him tense behind me as he hold me closer to his chest, trying everything he can to calm me down but fails.

"Baby." he says as he gently takes my chin and lifts it up to face him. "Talk to me." he all but begs and I feel my throat tighten.

I open my mouth and shut it when nothing comes out. I try talking, multiple times and I'm either interrupted by a sob or I can't find my voice.

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