1- Court

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I was at my first court hearing without assistance from my senior. Even though she's only been at the Themis Agency a bit over half a year, she's proved herself to be wonderful at being a lawyer and while I was nervous, I didn't show it.

"And as you can clearly tell by the prints on this cup when compared to the prints on the poison and the fingerprints allowed on the door scanner, our culprit is not my client." I said as I held up the two things and the fingerprint reports, with gloves on of course. The opposition was pissed and snapped.

"If that's truly the case, then explain how the perpetrator was able to get into the home without any damage!" "Simple, the criminal is the one that you're trying to defend. If you payed attention to their previous statement when I was questioning them right here so that he cannot change what he says, he's a locksmith. Mrs Miyamoto was one of his recent clients with a previous breaking and entering that she took care of herself then decided to change the locks on her house after that. He had an extra key to her house, so he moved the fingerprint scanner and under it was the door lock that he used." They were pissed and snapped.

"That's a fucking lie!" "Then prove it to me! Give me evidence that says otherwise!" He bit his nail and the judge looked before speaking. "Miss (L/n), do you have evidence that it is indeed him? Or are you throwing false accusations?" I smiled and spoke.

"I do actually. While I wasn't able to question the prosecution's client since he simply refused, I was able to question his workers. They gave me the times and one of his workers, that I don't wish to name so they can keep their job, gave me some files. These files held reports for times that he was gone and expenses used. At the time 13:25 on the Saturday before the murder, he bought tetrodotoxin. He had no need to buy this as it doesn't help with being a locksmith. Then on Tuesday night, he had left the company earlier than normal, as all his staff had pointed out to me. For 30 minutes at 18:00, He was gone. I had taken the liberty to time how long a drive to his office to Mrs Miyamoto's address is, and even with heavy traffic, the longest it would take it 10 minutes. The shortest time being 4 minutes." I smiled and the locksmith, Mr Raiden, was pissed. I knew he wanted to lunge at me and kill me.

I just kept my composure and spoke. "Unless the prosecution has anything to counter my claim, I believe that my client has been proven innocent and yours is the guilty party." "N-Nonsense! What she's spouting is utter nonsense and she shouldn't be believed!" The judge looked and spoke.

"Mr Waria, I'd suggest that you admit defeat or present evidence against her claims." He was pissed and Mr Raiden glared. "I can't stand cocky lawyers like you! This is your first case! You're supposed to fail!" I looked before speaking. "My client was accused of a crime that he had not committed. I'll believe evidence over simple words." I glared and he snapped back.

"What about that paper she wrote on, putting her son's name?"
"As I had already proved, that was a letter she tried to write to her son but you came in at what happened to be the right time."
"You have no proof it's that!"
"The pencil in her hand is clear proof of that! And she already knew that she was old and probably nearing her time, so she was likely going to talk about the will!" I snapped and he glared.
"And why not call?"
"She was already old when technology was introduced. She didn't have time to understand how to work modern technology, and it's clear that my client never had a hard time dealing with letters since they continued to do it until Miss Miyamoto was murdered in cold blood. She only understood the fingerprint scanner since she just had to put her finger up to it!"
"I wouldn't have a motive to kill one of my clients! Why would I want to kill someone who pays me?" I smiled and looked.

"Mr Miyamoto? Would you like to answer this one or would you like me to do so?" He looked before speaking.

"I can't hide it anymore... Thank you for what you've done up to now Miss (L/n), but... Your honor, may I speak?" He asked and the judge was surprised before speaking.

Lawful Love (Tears of Themis characters x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now