7- Grant Trial

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Long chapter, sorry. Pic is of Harry's questioning.

"Hmph, I don't understand why some lawyers are here since it's clear that Harry is the killer." "Evidence is more trustworthy. Oh, speaking of which, Mr Darius, has anyone gone in the victim's room since the murder?" Ms Joanne immediately tensed and got up as she snapped.

"Hey! You can't just go looking in there! I have to stay in there too! What you want to do is an invasion of privacy!" She snapped and I slightly glared at her.

"Ms Joanne, I'd recommend you calm down now before I just go investigate now. That place is where Mr Grant died and I'm to do anything I can to try to prove my client's innocence. So? Would you like to be questioned now or hold it off?" She growled but sat down.

"Fine! Just get it over with." I stared and spoke. I cleared my throat after taking a deep breath to calm down.

"It's clear you don't seem to like Harry. I get that he doesn't like you because you're married to his father and he hates his father." "I'm not married to Gordon. He never even proposed. Were here since he got me pregnant and I live here with my daughter. I don't like Harry since he fights with me for no reason too." She said, trying to keep her composure.

"I see... Is that just your relationship with Mr Grant? You two weren't even married, so I'd like to know your full relationship with him." "Basically that and that he bought me quite a lot of expensive things." "Ah, so he's your sugar daddy. Got it." She glared and I marked down their relationship while Artem was surprised and confused with what I said. He looked at me while I smiled.

"Hmm... Oh. You testified against Harry as well, correct? Was your testimony just emotion based or had you seen him?" "Hah! Of course I saw that little rat drop that pill in there!" I looked and she spoke.

"I went in the kitchen at 10:30 to get Gordon his medicine. I still cared about him since he was the father to my brat of a child. And she's the only reason I was able to live this life until that brat poisoned him." I stared before looking through my notes before smiling when I noticed something.

"Ms Joanne, What happened to your finger?" "Huh? I burned it when I was getting Gordon's medicine. Gordon noticed and bandaged it for me." I nodded and smiled. I pressed record on my tablet and spoke. "So you two cared a lot about each other? Even though you were never married." She glared and spoke. "If I didn't know any better, I'd guess you were trying to rub it in that we weren't married. But yes. Gordon bandaged my finger so I can't believe that his own son would kill him. The fact that I couldn't do anything when I saw him die was just painful." She sighed, acting pitiful and I heard that girl cry again.

I felt bad and stared up as Joanne snapped. "The strawberry ice cream in the fridge always shuts her up when Fannie isn't around her! Give it to her now!" Joanne snapped at the officers while they glared. I stopped recording then and transferred the recording to my work phone. I got up and nodded.

"You really are a terrible mother but that won't stop me right now. For now, that'll be enough. Now, Mr Darius, May I search the crime scene?" "Of course Ms (L/n), come with me. One of you, bring her to another room. And you can let Harry stay down here again." Ms Joanne was pissed and went to slap me until one of the officers Darius commanded had reprimanded her.

"Ms Scott! I'd suggest you don't make yourself look more guilty." The officer told her and I looked back before sighing. I shook my head a bit before continuing.

"Hey Mr Wing, didn't you notice a difference in Ms Joanne and Ms Fannie's testimonies?" "You mean the times with the medicine?" I smiled and nodded as I looked at my notes.

"I mean, Ms Fannie said the medicine takes two hours to be ready and she started it at 10 AM. But... I don't understand why Ms Joanne would've given Gordon his medicine. There's so many things wrong with these testimonies." I sighed and he nodded.

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