10- Vyn

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I always mess up Vyn's job and I'm not fixing all the errors in this chapter. Deal with it

I smiled and Darrius spoke. "The guy von Hagen spoke about is actually here to assist you too, if you'd like." I looked and spoke. "The psychotherapist?" I asked and he nodded. I thought before smiling. "It would be nice for him to make sure that I'm not lied to during questionings..." I mumbled and he nodded.

"Let me get him to the station and you can question them all there." I nodded and smiled.

We waited and I examined the current files as I waited.

"Hmm..." I stared before hearing a knock. "Huh?" I looked and smiled. "Ah, hello there sir. So... you're Mr Vyn?" He nodded and sat down across from me. "I am. It's nice to meet you ma'am." He smiled and we shook hands.

"I can't believe Marius got himself out in jail. Well, he is a trouble child... I should've expected it." He sighed and I was confused. "Hm? I know you're Mr von Hagen's teacher but..." "Don't worry. I know he's likely not the criminal." I nodded and spoke.

"Oh, and I'm sorry. I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." "Vyn Richter. Please, either Vyn or Dr Richter." I nodded and smiled. "Then I'll just say Dr Richter since I don't know you very well." He nodded and I smiled. "Can I sit next to you?" "Hm? Oh, of course." He nodded and I smiled. I moved next to him and explained the simple part of the case and he nodded.

"I waited for you since it would be nice to have someone around that can easily tell lies." "I understand that. I'd like Marius out of jail, so I'll help however I can. After all, I have homework to assign him." I was nervous and spoke.

"Um... Let's just focus on getting evidence for now." He nodded and spoke. "So you've already questioned Marius? Here, let me see the questions and I'll see if he was lying about those or not." I nodded and he left with my notepad. I was confused and Officer Darrius spoke.

"Strange fellow..." "Maybe it's just his way of being careful around me..?" I shrugged and he nodded. Dr Richter came out soon and smiled.

"Alright. He was telling the truth." I nodded and smiled.

"So you're going to help me investigate?" "If that's okay, I'd like to. I can only give my opinion on few things. Especially people's behaviors and if they're lying." I nodded and smiled.

"Sounds good. If this goes well, could you teach me some basic psychology Dr Richter? I don't want to rely on people for testimonies." "Of course I can Ma'am." "Just (L/n) is fine, Dr Richter." He nodded and smiled. During investigation, someone tried to burn down the house and I was surprised.

"Fire!" I yelled and Dr Richter looked. "I knew Veroke was lying but this?" He coughed and I found a water bottle and tore off some of my jacket. I soaked the pieces of cloth and spoke. Smoke was filling the room and we both coughed as Dr Richter broke a window.

"Here, I've heard this works! Just cover your nose and mouth!" He nodded and took the cloth. "Your jacket Ms (L/n)..." "I'll buy another! It's not more important than yours and my own life." He nodded and we jumped out the window. I coughed and spoke.

"So Veroke likely set the fire?" "Yeah... he was lying about who he was." "I see. Well, it's good you're here." He looked at me and I smiled.

"Anyways... I'll call Officer Darrius..." I sighed and dialed him. I told him what happened and he sighed. He drove here and picked us up. He sent officers to detain Veroke and he spoke.

"Are you both okay?" "Yeah, were fine. Luckily that trick worked..." He was confused and Dr Richter spoke. "A trick just covering a cloth with water." "Oh yeah. It blocks the smoke. That was good." "Yeah, I just remembered it from what my mom told me a while ago. Just glad I remember it." I sighed and he nodded.

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