Anna is losing too much blood

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Anna Pov
I woke up in a hospital bed  I had a major headache. I looked to my right and  saw Jade sleep in her chair. My first thoughts were I'm in a hospital,how did I get here? and why am i here?. I wasnt plugged up to anything and I didnt see any nurses around so i got up and started wandering around. I walked out of my hospital room. I gently slid out of the door without making any noise. I heard a lot of talking and laughing. Wait a minute I'm in a hospital shouldn't people be sad and why would someone come to the hospital being so loud. I should confront them and tell them to quiet down  there is people sleep in this hospital there is people mourning. Their loud noise is my head spin. I should sit down. I turned a corner away from the noise and kept walking. I seen a sign that says rest rooms ahead and kept walking until I found the restrooms. A group of girls came out laughing.
Girl: oh my gosh!! Annie
Annie who is annie they must have the wrong person
Girl 2: like omg are you okay you look weird
Girl 1: gross shes bleeding
Suddenly I  felt really dizzy and like I was about to puke.
Girl 2: guys lets go she doesn't look too good
Girl 1: yea bye Annie
Then they left speed walking down the hall. I ran into the womens restroom and threw up in the toilet. Weird isnt throw up suppose to be orange or yellow. My puke was redish pink like blood gross. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. I walked out of the rest room. And started walking towards the noisy waiting room to tell everyone to shut the fuck up and be respectful. Then I  bumped into Roc.
Jade Pov
I woke up looking at an empty hospital bed. Maybe the doctor moved her to a differet room. I got up and walked to registration area.
Jade: excuse me did the doctor move a patient Anna in room 143
Woman: let me see
She typed on her computer for a few minutes .
Woman: Nope she should still be in room 143. Are you sure she didn't just get up to go use the restroom that happens a lot maybe you should-gco
I walked away from her. Maybe she was right maybe Anna went to the restroom but wouldn't she tell someone I thought. I went back to the room. Then I noticed something I didnt notice before there was a patch of blood on the hospital bed. There was drops of blood leading out the room. Oh my gosh she is losing blood I thought the doctor stitched her up good. Who knows how much blood she has already lost. As I followed the blood the drops were getting bigger like the more she walked the more blood she lost. I panicked.
Jade: Anna ! Anna!
I started speeding up then I bumped into a group of girls.
Jade: Excuse me girls have you seen Anna I can't seem to find her its a medical emergency
Girl 1: Yes we seen Annie she didn't look too well and she was dripping blood everywhere
Girl 2: Chill out okay
Girl 1: Totally the last place we seen her was outside the ladys ro-gco I pushed pass them and ran to the restroom. They was right there was blood everywhere. I went into the bathroom. She wasn't in there. Think Jade if you were Anna where would you go? THINK. I walked out of the restroom. Then I heard all the loud people in the waiting room. If I was Anna I would tell them to be respectful and shut the fuck up thats it. I ran towards the waiting room she wasn't there. I looked in the waiting room nope not in there either. Maybe she didn't make it to the waiting room the rate she is going she might have blacked out from so much blood loss!
Jade: Anna ! !
I ran into Roc who was running away from where Anna was screaming help from. He had blood all over his shirt. As a "reflex" I punched him in the face and kicked him in the stomach. He knocked out I layed him flat on the floor and kicked him again in the stomach.
Jade: ANNA!! ANNA!!
Anna:help Jade please Jade hel-gco
I found her laying in a puddle of blood. She was saying my name repeatedly until she blacked out again.
Anna: Jade! Jade!
Jade: Anna I'm here
Anna: Jade
Jade: PLEASE DON'T GO !! Don't go to the light at the end of the tunnel! We still need you here I still need you here! PLEASE DON'T GO!
Anna grabbed my hand a tear fell down her cheek as she said the last Jade before she blacked out. I sat there crying. My best friend is dead, she died and Roc killed her. No she isn't  not dead she still has time I'm in a hospital there has to be a doctor somewhere around here. I layed Anna down softly then got up. I started running around yelling HELP until I either ran into someone or somebody came.
Jade :HELP!!  can somebody help me please help hel-gco
I ran into a doctor making him knock his clipboard down all of his papers flew down around us I got up.
Jade: Aren't you a doctor
Doctor: Yes I am a doctor
Jade: Good I need your help.
I grabbed his hand and ran back over to Anna where there is now a group of doctors standing over her examining her like she was already dead.
Jade: Move out of the way MOVE!! Doctor can you help her?
Doctor: Yes I can
The next thing I knew they picked her up on a hospital bed and rolled her into surgery. I sat there watching,crying, and praying for everything will be alright.

Anna's Been Kidnapped (Sequel To "Being Kidnapped")Where stories live. Discover now