Twins Day Part Two

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Jade POV .
So then me and Brianna went to her house. The whole time I was over there I couldn't help feeling like Anna was upset or mad. But I dont know why maybe I should call her. I looked at my phone actually looked is an understatement really I stared at my phone wishing that she would call me and tell me what wrong. I was ripped from these thoughts when Brianna came back with the invitations. She came back beaming but when she saw my face her smile quickly faded away. She set the invitations down on a table an walked over towards me.
Brianna: what's wrong ?
Me: nothing
Brianna: I know its not Nothing
She said sitting  across from me
Me: Anna hasn't talked to me since school.
Brianna: oh
She said getting up suddenly.
Me: yeah I know it sounds weird but usually she would be blowing my phone up with text messages by now
Brianna: yeah, no I get it
Me: you do
Brianna: totally Brittany does the same exact thing
I started to laugh.
Me: its good to know I'm not alone
Brianna: you are never alone .
I smiled and looked back at my phone.
Brianna: she probably forgot or fell asleep or did both
Me: right
Brianna: trust me she is fine
Me: okay okay you're right
I said while putting my phone down.
Brianna: now look at these invitations and tell me what you think.
I looked at the invitations and was overwhelmed with excitement. They were perfect.
Me: omg they're perfect
I squealed while Brianna jumped up and down with joy. Then stopped as we both laugh at her reaction.
Brianna: hey can I um participate in your twin day
Me: sure who are you twining with Brittany?
Brianna: no I was hoping we could
Me: oh sure that would be awesome
Brianna: okay
She grabbed my hand and took me upstairs to her room. Where i discovered that she has a big ass closet. It was a walk in closet.

I also discovered that her favorite color was pink. We picked out an outfit that we could wear on Tuesday. I felt like we should like walk in together to make an entrance. So we made plans for me to spend the night. We had Brianna's mom call Anna's mom because my mom was still out of town and everything seem to work out fine.
Anna POV
Tonight I was going home a lonely woman. I don't know what wrong with me. Have I lost my independence ? Have I lost my freedom? My liberty to be myself ? I guess I just got used to Jade being by my side 24/7 that I kinda just depended on her. I just organized my day around her. What am I gonna do today ? I thought to myself as I got into my car. How about I visit some friends. So I called up Brittany.
Me : Call Brittany
I said to my car. Which automatically forward me to Britanny.
Brittany: hello
She answered.
Me: hey, I'm in the neighborhood , can i stop by ?
I said as nice as I could. I didn't want her to know that i was bored and thats why i was stopping by. Which is the actual reason but i didn't want to tell her because that would seem rude.
Brittany: yeah go ahead but can you stop an get me something to eat ,
She said , as I started to think. Should I stop ? I am kinda hungry. Sure why not it's just one stop anyway.
Me: sure does it matter where I stop
I asked as I started to think of all the nearby fast food joints.
Brittany: umm
She said as she thought of a choice.
Me: what about Taco Bell?
I suggested as I started to think about how good a crunch wrap supreme sounded right now.
Brittany: yeah that's sounds great just get me -gco
She started to say but I cut her off.
Me: two soft tacos and a potato bowl I know I know
I said this so knowing because she orders the same thing every time we would have a sqaud sleepover. When all the girls would meet up at my house. Me Jade Brittany,Brianna,Bobbi, Sammy,and Samantha, would come over chill, and have a good time. Usually this sleepover would occur during the summer. I was snapped back into present when I heard Brittany start to laugh, when she heard my response.
Brittany: okay see you in a few
Me: okay byeeeeeeee
Brittany laughed some more then said
Brittany: byeeeeee
I laughed a little then hung up. I don't know why we still do that but we do. I pulled up to a nearby to a nearby Taco Bell.
Speaker: Uhm Are you ready to order yet ?
I stared at the speaker in strangely. Why does that voice sound so familiar.
Me: yeah can I get 2 soft tacos 2 potato bowls and one crunch wrap supreme.
Speaker: thatwouldbesevenninety
The speaker said muzzled. It sounded like they were trying to disguise their voice, but why would someone do that ?
Me: I'm sorry I didn't get that
Speaker: $7.90 it will be 7.90
They yelled into the mic. That when it clicked that sounded just like ,wait no it can't be. I pulled up to the window to see
Ugh a cliff hanger I know I know but hey i gotta keep you interested in my story some how right  Anyway COMMENT who you think she will see. Who does Anna see working a Taco Bell?

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