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After 7th hr  I took me and Jade home I had a lot on my mind. I just felt so stressed out. All I wanted to do was sleep but Jade being Jade wouldn't let me sleep.

Jade: what do you think Prince wrote in that black book?

Me: his private thoughts.

Jade: yeah but like what?

Me: I don't know Jade and i don't care
Who cares anyway ?

Jade *mumbling*: me

Me: Wait you don't still have feelings for Prince do you?

Jade: what? no! of course not

Me: okay then shut up about it 

Jade: whatever it doesn't matter anyway 

Me: right

Jade: I'm  going to go Face-time Digs

Jade got up and started slowly walking to my bedroom door. Like she was leaving but she didn't really want to leave.

Me: you go do that

Jade: at least he cares

Me: J, don't be like that you know I care I'm just sleepy as hell and its been a long day

Jade: well its been a long day for the both of us

Me: I know I'm sorry

Jade: okay I forgive you and you can go to sleep now

Me: thank you

Jade left and closed my bedroom door.

Me *whispering*: finally!

Jade *yelling*: I heard that

I laughed to myself as I started to drift off to sleep. I woke up hours later when my mom was hugging the life out of me.

Me: mom!

Mom: I'm so sorry

Me: about what?

Mom: I just heard about your friend

Me: ohhh prince

Mom: yes

Me: its okay I'm not crying or anything I mean we wasn't that close

My mom gave me the 'are you crazy look'.

Me: don't get me wrong I do feel bad for him

Mom: oh okay

Me: but you know who is super sad about it ?

Mom: who

Me: Jade

Mom: That poor girl wasn't that her best friend?

Me: they used to be best friends

Mom: what?

Me: they got into a fight before you know the incident 

Mom: oh thats terrible imma go talk to her 

Me: okay tell me when dinner is ready

Mom: okay

My mom got up and left my room closing the door behind her. Then I tried going back to sleep but  couldn't so I grabbed my phone and got on Instagram . I got a dm from Roc. I opened it and it was video. Once it loaded I watched it. The point of view was in a car it slowly drove up a street. Wait a minute I recognize that street. The car pulled up to Prince's house. It showed Prince walking towards his mom who was standing in the doorway and his dad was sitting on the porch.When Prince's mom seen Prince she came out of the house onto the porch she opened her arms for a hug. Then  the camera was pointed down towards a gun. The gun was lifted up and pointed at prince. 

Anna's Been Kidnapped (Sequel To "Being Kidnapped")Where stories live. Discover now